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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Kennesaw State (5)


A Look at Kennesaw State's New Football Offices

Kennesaw State University doesn't start playing football until 2015, but by talking to Athletics Director Vaughn Williams and Head Football Coach Brian Bohannon, you get the sense they are ready.

They also have their football offices in place, two years ahead of time and they opened the facility to the media on Wednesday with a tour led by Bohannon.

More on the facility in my article:



Owl-O-Ween Hot Air Balloon Piece in AJC

Great event coming to Kennesaw St. on Sat.

The Owl-O-Ween Hot AIr Balloon Glow.

Atlanta Journal Const. is running my preview on the front page of the "Go Guide" today

Check it out!


Kennesaw State Cheerleader Falls and is Taken Away in Stretcher

If you've been reading about the sport of cheerleading recently, you've probably read that it is dangerous.

Dangerous to the point of being the most dangerous sport for girls when it comes to catastrophic injuries.  Many schools have taken the difficult and dangerous stunts out of the routines.

On Thursday night at the North Florida vs. Kennesaw State men's basketball game, a Kennesaw State cheerleader hit the floor while attempting a stunt.  She was taken away in a stretcher, and word came out today it appears to be only a concussion.  I don't say ONLY lightly.

Here's my photo recap of the incident, including in the first two pics, the Kennesaw State mascot "Scrappy" was the first to attend to the fallen cheerleader.

A scary incident, hopefull she will be ok.


11-year old Hits Half-Court Shot, Wins Pizza for a Year

Pizza party at the Collins'!

That is sure to be the case for the next year in Kennesaw, GA. 

Collins hit a half-court shot at halftime of Thursday's game at Kennesaw State, earning him complimentary pizza from Papa John's through next February.  No word on if he gets a year's supply of garlic dipping sauce as well.

Watch the video and the reaction from his buddy under the basket.  The kid knew it was in right away.

Congrats to Cody Collins.


Kennesaw State not Kansas State Announces New Football Program

Let the record show that former Georgia football coach and AD Vince Dooley made the first blunder.  For some reason he announced that Kansas State will begin playing football in 2014.  He then corrected himself like only Coach Dooley can do and made it official that Kennesaw State, The Owls will play FCS football in 2014.

A football team, Dooley said, "establishes national brand and by that I mean a visible distinguished identification and a national prominence that's really not available from any part of the campus. It does initiate a sense of pride, a point of connection around the state. A football and a marching band energizes campus life and turns into the heartbeat and the spirit of a campus."

Georgia State, located in Atlanta began their football play this season, and have a game slated against Alabama in November.