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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in movie review (1)


'Eddie the Eagle' soars once again

In theaters on February 26, "Eddie the Eagle" is the can't miss movie of the first half of 2016.

In what has to be the "feel good" movie of 2016, the most infamous ski jumper of all-time, Michael “Eddie” Edwards, and his legend are brought back to our conscious with "Eddie the Eagle" to be released February 26, 2016 by 20th Century Fox.

Starring Taron Egerton, Christopher Walken and Hugh Jackman, this is the improbable tale of a courageous British ski-jumper (Taron Egerton) who never stopped believing in himself – even as an entire nation (and world) was counting him out. With the help of a rebellious and charismatic coach (Hugh Jackman), Eddie takes on the establishment and grabs the hearts of sports fans around the world by making an improbable and historic showing at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. Eddie never gives up and as the world watches, the underdog soars (kind of) to Olympic glory.

I like so many, was watching in 1988 as Eddie became the symbol of the Calgary Winter Olympics. The film may play loose and free with the actual facts, but it's a colorful effort that is beautifully shot and too short at only 105 minutes. At times the movie plays homage to the 80s and although Edwards was typecast as the loveable dork, he did some have athletic prowess and this movie should serve as a lesson for those trying to decide if they have what it takes for the endeavor that sits in front of them.

We all know how the movie ends, but it's still fun taking the journey with Eddie, falls and all.

It's an Olympic year, so you would have to get out and see this movie regardless, but the reason to get out and see it is that it's more than an "underdog sports movie" or a showcase of that athlete coming over insurmountable odds, it's a movie with "legs" and Eddie uses them as he launches off the ski jump in Canada.

5 Stars in an age where there aren't too many 5-star movies in existence.