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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in news (58)


Crowdfunding Corner: NewsHero

What's new in news?


In a news industry that has faced ever-increasing layoffs and diminishing financial opportunities, NewsHero envisions replacing the traditional advertising and subscription models. Members of the NewsHero platform will be able to get their local and global, curated news from a source that will be empowered to support journalists, their writing and their sources directly through a proprietary payment system that is being developed by the NewsHero team.

NewsHero has launched a Kickstarter campaign,

(, for exclusive membership offerings and to spread awareness about their news platform among consumers.

NewsHero will be a new way for readers to access all the relevant daily news, focusing on just the facts within the story, especially the fact that (almost) every story has a hero or someone trying to help, and that there is a positive narrative in every feature. A NewsHero article will be the work of no less than three (and up to five) reputable sources and will get to the core of the issue while prioritizing the heroes in each story.

NewsHero has already started recruiting world-class journalists who will maintain a positive news cycle, without missing out on facts. Through their efforts, NewsHero will help move the news away from its current crisis-focused emphasis towards a more helper-centric narrative through an ad-free, community-funded platform.


Storming Area 51

Are people really stupid enough to try and storm Area 51?


Earthquake Felt in Georgia

Happens every few years.


Library Books Returned 47 Years Late

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Return those library books!

A copy of Eldridge Cleaver’s memoir “Soul On Ice” was due back at the Eureka Valley branch Dec. 9, 1970, making it 47 years, four months and 29 days late. The library’s late fee would’ve been $1,731.70 if it didn’t cap the fine at $10.01.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports the paperback’s cover is detached from its spine and there’s a hole in the title page.

Branch manager Anne Vannucchi told the Chronicle last week she’d like to know who the library patron is so she can get the story behind the returned book.


Rick on CBS 46 Atlanta Noon News with CES 2018 Favorites

Great now to be on the CBS 46 Atlanta Noon News, bringing unique tech segments.

Here is one from Feb 16, 2018, with some of my favorite items from CES 2018.

The new Nikon Cameras, the iHome Concierge Home Speaker and the Sunroad Fishing watch.

Have a watc\h: