My Favorites



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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in tv segment (21)


Rick on CBS 46 Atlanta Noon News with CES 2018 Favorites

Great now to be on the CBS 46 Atlanta Noon News, bringing unique tech segments.

Here is one from Feb 16, 2018, with some of my favorite items from CES 2018.

The new Nikon Cameras, the iHome Concierge Home Speaker and the Sunroad Fishing watch.

Have a watc\h:


Rick's Appearance on CBS WMAZ Morning Dec 17 with Last Minute Tech Gift Ideas

Dec 17, 2017, on CBS Weekend Morning with gifts for the last-minute shopper on WMAZ.

Including: Stockpile, BodyBrew, Copper Tech Golf Gloves and Dry Decks.

Recording probs make the segment into two videos.



Rick's Appearance on CBS WMAZ Morning Show with Kid's Tech Gifts

Great stuff for kids. Two videos due to a recording error.

Products featured include Superheroic, Craft City Goo and Slime, the Alligator Tours Airboat and the Talking Microscope.


Rick's Appearance on CBS WMAZ Morning Show with Sleep Gadgets and Tech

Rick appears on CBS WMAZ Weekend Morning Show with anchor, Suzanne Lawler, talking some new sleep technology to help you get more rest.

Have a watch to this rough cut:


Products include:

BedJet, Mediflow Pillow, the Snow Pillow and Adaptive Sound Technologies Inc.: Sound+Sleep Suite.


Better Clip of My Black Friday CBS Atlanta Segment from 11/20/17