Details of the NFL Ref's New Deal

It was about time. The League needed them back and the refs got most of what they wanted,
What they gut is a contract calling for salaries to increase from an average of $149,000 a year in 2011 to $173,000 in 2013, rising to $205,000 by 2019. The current defined benefit pension plan will remain in place for current officials through the 2016 season or until the official earns 20 years' service.
The defined benefit plan will then be frozen. Retirement benefits will be provided for new hires, and for all officials beginning in 2017, through a defined contribution.
Beginning with the 2013 season, the NFL will have the option to hire a number of officials to work year-round. The NFL also can retain additional officials for training and development and assign those officials to work games. The number of additional officials will be determined by the league.
The officials that worked Thursday's Ravens-Browns game were cheered from the second they walked onto the field. The received respect of the players and fans. The officials kept the game in control, curtailing the chippy play and choppy pace that had marred the first three weeks of the regular season.
I expect more of the same on Sunday.