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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in princess (1)


The Best Modern Family Quotes from "Princess Party"

Modern Family shifts into another gear tonite with a "Princess Party".  Maybe this episode should've been called "Fizbo the Clown".  Shelley Long and Matt Dillon guest star.

Haley:  I have a learning disability.

Luke:  Hey Mom, I'm firsty.

Mitchell: No Fizbo.  Not Fizbo the needy clown.

Cam:  They don't, they're comically large.

Manny:  The timelessness of cashmere.

Gloria:  You told me to make the beep.

Phil:  We're going to need you on the front lines.

Luke:  I need a giant lollipop, and I need it now.

Phil: Fasten your seat-belts.

Robbie:  All she said was you were still trying to figure out your life.

Phil:  Maybe Robbie needs a limo because he has a lot of DUI's.

Gloria:  Do you want me to hold it and stand in the driveway?

Jay:  Greatest news ever!

Robbie:  And let me tell you something, this chick was fat!

Mitchell:  I have to jump.

Cam:  Entertaining and delighting children is who I am.

Haley:  I love your stories Nana, keep on going.

Didi:  Robbie could charm your socks off, but I doubt if he stopped there.

Phil:  I used to think your Mother liked me.

Phil:  No more polite LOL's for you, Didi.

Mitchell:  Stop eyeing the princess.

Claire:  She made out with my ex-boyfriend last night.

Cam:  Glitter, that will settle in her lungs.

Cam: Never break character.  Never, never!

Didi:  That's Lily, I guess you are trying to keep the outfit I sent her clean.

Robbie:  I had a crush on your Mother back in high school.

Claire:  Why can't you be a normal old grandma?

Claire:  I'm screaming at a princess party.

Robbie:  I'm getting some serious vibes from the princess.

Mitchell:  Every kid wants a clown for a Dad.

Phil: I've got Gloria!

Gloria:  Jay, pay attention, read your lines.

Jay:  Cam's going to return it anyway.