Modern Family shifts into another gear tonite with a "Princess Party". Maybe this episode should've been called "Fizbo the Clown". Shelley Long and Matt Dillon guest star.
Haley: I have a learning disability.
Luke: Hey Mom, I'm firsty.
Mitchell: No Fizbo. Not Fizbo the needy clown.
Cam: They don't, they're comically large.
Manny: The timelessness of cashmere.
Gloria: You told me to make the beep.
Phil: We're going to need you on the front lines.
Luke: I need a giant lollipop, and I need it now.
Phil: Fasten your seat-belts.
Robbie: All she said was you were still trying to figure out your life.
Phil: Maybe Robbie needs a limo because he has a lot of DUI's.
Gloria: Do you want me to hold it and stand in the driveway?
Jay: Greatest news ever!
Robbie: And let me tell you something, this chick was fat!
Mitchell: I have to jump.
Cam: Entertaining and delighting children is who I am.
Haley: I love your stories Nana, keep on going.
Didi: Robbie could charm your socks off, but I doubt if he stopped there.
Phil: I used to think your Mother liked me.
Phil: No more polite LOL's for you, Didi.
Mitchell: Stop eyeing the princess.
Claire: She made out with my ex-boyfriend last night.
Cam: Glitter, that will settle in her lungs.
Cam: Never break character. Never, never!
Didi: That's Lily, I guess you are trying to keep the outfit I sent her clean.
Robbie: I had a crush on your Mother back in high school.
Claire: Why can't you be a normal old grandma?
Claire: I'm screaming at a princess party.
Robbie: I'm getting some serious vibes from the princess.
Mitchell: Every kid wants a clown for a Dad.
Phil: I've got Gloria!
Gloria: Jay, pay attention, read your lines.
Jay: Cam's going to return it anyway.