App Pick: The Oscars Backstage

I'm not a big awards ho person, but for the Oscars tonight:
WATCH ABC brings the network right into your hands—anytime, anywhere for free.* And now you can personalize your ABC experience with new sharing and social features!
Now available for DIRECTV customers!
THE OSCARS BACKSTAGE: The Oscars Backstage is the ultimate viewing companion for Oscar Sunday. Select the “watch live” section in the app or on to watch the exclusive red carpet and backstage cameras during Hollywood’s biggest night. No sign in required!
WATCH LIVE: Can’t make it to your TV in time? View ABC live* on your mobile device
Oscar fans living in one of the supported live streaming markets also can catch the live* digital stream of The Oscars on WATCH ABC. It all starts LIVE OSCAR SUNDAY February 22nd 7e|4p.