Is the 'Glee' GQ Cover Too Racy?

You decide.
A steamy spread in the new GQ featuring the cast of the hit high school musical show “Glee” is causing a firestorm with one parent group that says it “bordered on pedophilia.”
The Parents Television Council is attacking “Glee” producers for allowing their cast, who portray high school students, to do the sexy shoot, which features the female stars dressed and posed provocatively.
GQ editor-in-chief Jim Nelson points out that Dianna Agron, Cory Monteith and Lea Michele, the actors featured in the spread, are all well above the age of consent!
“These ‘kids’ are in their 20s,” Nelson said. “Cory Monteith’s almost 30! I think they’re old enough to do what they want.”
I have to agree. What I also have noticed is this show keeps getting a little more "adult' each and eery week. The show is too good, they don't need to head in that direction.