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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

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Entries in shaving (1)


Crowdfunding Corner: OmniShaver


A faster, safer and easier shave for your scalp: The OmniShaver provides an effective and efficient shave in an eco-friendly uniquely constructed device that offers improved results and features that will save consumers time and money!

Everyone has an opinion on shaving!

What if shaving your scalp was easier, more cost-effective, and less tedious? With all the endless options out there, how can you be sure that you will find the right shaving tool? Now consumers need to look no further than the OmniShaver, (, a new innovative product offering a superior shave in a fraction of the time, all the while producing less waste and using less water than you would with other shavers.

Most OmniShaver users report reducing their shaving time by 75 percent and many have claimed that they were able to shave their heads in less than a minute. How? Through a unique, low profile shaver that self-cleans, self-straightens, and self-polishes during use. The OmniShaver cuts consistently throughout your shave and requires fewer passes to sufficiently cut hair, saving even more time and leading to less skin irritation.

The OmniShaver incorporates recycled plastics in its production and exponentially extends its useful time by self-polishing its blade edges during use, reducing the need to consistently buy expensive shave cartridges. This lessening of waste contributes to its eco-friendliness, as does its self-cleaning feature, which eliminates the need to waste additional time and water in rinsing hair out of the blades.

Fueled by a significant number of positive reviews and tests, the OmniShaver is already more 480 percent funded and had secured more than 1,680 backers in its recently launched Indiegogo campaign at: This level of positive response reinforces the confidence that the inventor, John Harris, has in the attributes of the OmniShaver, believing that it will become an essential part of a man’s shaving regimen.

There is nothing better than a close shave!