Weird Food Trends

Here's what might be coming for your stomach...
Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
Here's what might be coming for your stomach...
It was my pleasure to join Patric Welch on Noobie's Tech Talk last week as we looked at tech trends heading into 2013.
Have a listen:
On the heels of Porsche's announcment about dropping AM radio from one of their cars.
News that Porsche will begin selling the first car to not include a built-in AM radio in decades may sound like the start of an ominous trend. With half of listening coming from in-car use, it’s something a lot of broadcasters have worried about as the digital dashboard has rolled out. But auto industry analysts think it is unlikely AM/FM will disappear in the short term.
This week, more than 2,700 exhibitors will fill more than 3.2 million square feet of space in the Las Vegas Convention Center, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is now the place to be, whether you are in the tech industry or not.
It's so big, it's hard to cover the whole show. Let's take a look at a few of the things to watch for at CES 2012.
Security Cameras
Look for Wi-Fi security cameras to make a little splash. They will be affordable and with night vision they will be able to view up to 30 or so feet in the dark of night. You might want to think about this for your home or place of business in 2012.
Fitness Gadgets
Should be huge around the convention floor this year. It doesn't matter which sport you favor, by the end of 2012 there should be some sort of gadget or app for you.
Tablets and Accessories
Who won't have a tablet to show off this week? That should be the question. Look for tablets galore and the stuff you buy to go along with them.
Different Looking DSLRs
They will be point and shoot looking camera with interchangeable lenses. Camera like Sony's NEX-7 will shoot like DSLRs, but be marketed to prosumers.
Wireless Headphones
The era of Bluetooth wireless headphone has arrived. We'll see how good they perform.
Microsoft's Swan Song
It's the end of an era as Microsoft has said this will be the last CES it will exhibit at.
You will be hearing a lot about OLED technology. Televisions, tablets and phones will all be featuring OLED technology. I love OLED screens and look forward to seeing how they look.
Ultra-thin laptops will be everywhere in 2011. Inspired by Apple's MacBook Airs, Lenovo and others will be debuting ultrabooks at the show.
Justin Bieber
Last year it was Lady Gaga, this year, Justin Bieber will be at CES Wednesday between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to promote the Vietnamese robotics company TOSY. Other celebs rumored to be in attendance, LL Cool J, 50 Cent and ESPN talker Colin Cowherd.