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« My Appearance on WGST's "The Sully Show" 12/24/14 - The Fam Trip Field Guide and Christmas Eve | Main | My Appearance on WGST's "The Sully Show" 12/12/14 - Tech for the Sports Enthusiast »

My Appearance on WGST's "The Sully Show" 12/19/14 - Last Minute Tech Stocking Stuffers

Rick and Sully talk about some last-minute gadget gift ideas... stocking stuffers, if you will

Have a listen:

1.  Tile

Tile tethers with your mobile phone to help you find lost items, and Osmo is a great interactive imaginative game for kids on the ipad -

Tile, with a $25 price point is a great as a stocking stuffer.

When you attach Tile to an item (like your keys), you're really tethering them both to your phone. So when your stuff gets lost, it has a buddy that knows what to do.

Tile casts a Bluetooth signal up to 100 feet, making short work of any haystacks you lose your needles in. And since every phone with Tile helps find your stuff, your search range is potentially limitless.

The app supports up to 8 Tiles.

Tile Works on iOS and Android Devices

2.  Polaroid Cube - $99

A tiny HD action camera that goes anywhere.

Splash-resistant, shockproof, mountable, and built to handle everything you can imagine. Packed with fun including 1080p HD video, 124° wide-angle lens, and built-in battery that records up to 90 minutes.

3.  Moov  -  Fitness tracker and fitness coach

Moov doesn't place calories or steps at the forefront of its tracking abilities; rather, it's a "wearable coach" that tries to make you better at exercising. The device is made of three sensors that form a nine-axis motion-sensing system that tracks not only the type of movement you're doing, but how you're doing it. The tracker's accelerometer and gyroscope detect movement in space and force of motion, while its magnetometer measures rotation.

It looks like a smartwatch. but Moov is only for exercise. This gadget doesn't pretend to be an all-day, everyday tracking device; it's meant to monitor your workout and help you get better at physical activity. This approach is limiting but also refreshing.

Moov goes on your body, be that around your ankle or on your wrist.

Moov's coaching voice kis cool. She leads you through the workout, monitoring and relaying your progress to you as you go. The Moov will tell you if your form is correct, or if you should, for example, slow down to meet you cadence goals or hit the ground with less force to avoid injuring yourself. Moov's voice coach is clear and direct with its instructions, and I could my coach while working out with my headphones in. I could also listen to music like I normally would while exercising; Moov's voice coach would lower the music volume automatically when it needed to update me on progress.
Download one or both of the available companion apps for iOS/Android to pair the device to your smartphone. Upon opening the app, you will be asked to make a Moov account, which you can do by connecting to your Facebook account or signing up with an email address. Then, you're asked to input basic information, including your age, gender, height and weight, and you can upload a photo of yourself to your profile.

Cost: $79.95 for one unit $149.95 for two

4. Esorun products...

Chinese manufacturer of cool smartphone and gadget accessories

Esorun provides Power banks,wireless hard drives,wireless chargers,iPhone battery case,portable chargers and keychain cable.
Their new product is the iStand - iPhone stand, battery case, etc

But the Bendy cable and Cute Key Cable are very useful.


And a look ahead to 2015....

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