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Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio 10/1/22 - Former U.S. Congressman Ric Keller, ‘Chase the Bears: Little Things to Achieve Big Dreams’

Former US Congressman, Ric Keller, joins Rick this week with a new book and “achieving your dreams.”

Have a listen:

Former U.S. Congressman Ric Keller explores the upside of taking  educated risks and shares other success principles he wishes he’d  known as a young person in his new book, Chase the Bears: Little Things to Achieve Big Dreams.

An inspiring, humorous, and original book of conventional and unconventional self-help ideas from former Congressman Ric Keller, who rose from humble beginnings to the US House of Representatives.

We are all born with a gift—a unique skill or talent that brings us joy and serves the greater good. At some point, we come to a crossroads: should we take a risk and chase our dreams or play it safe? Should we “chase the bears,” a metaphor for chasing our dreams, or are we fearful? In Chase the Bears, Ric Keller shows you that it is never too late. No matter your age or stage in life, you can still be what you wish to be. This inspiring book weaves together practical, actionable steps with fascinating stories about how other successful people have applied secret techniques to convert their thoughts and dreams into reality. Learn how you can too!

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