Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio 9/25/22 - Nick Rolnick, World Class Performance Trainer

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Rick is joined by Nick Rolnick this week.
Rolnick (@thehpm), “The Human Performance Mechanic,” ( an authority on blood flow restriction, performance enhancement specialist, and physical therapist. Nick’s sole goal is to help people get back to the activities they love as quickly as possible so they can experience the joy of pain free movement.
Rolnick is a product of Scarsdale, High School in Westchester (County) New York, He starred in baseball as captain on his college team at Franklin & Marshall. He has an M.S. in Health Promotion Management from American University, and earned his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Columbia University with honors, realizing his love for fitness and passion to help others. “This is so rewarding, helping others with fitness and rehab. I wouldn’t change where I’m at.”
This was a great talk with Nick.

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