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« Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio 8/5/23 - Phil Dalhausser, AVP Pro, Four-time Olympian | Main | Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio 7/27/23 - Kristen Nuss, Taryn Kloth AVP Beach Volleyball Returns to Atlanta »

Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio 8/5/23 - Mike Moynihan, Baseball Collector on YouTube

Rick talks with “Baseball Collector” from YouTube.

Have a listen:

Mike Moynihan, Baseball Collector on YouTube took in the lead in organizing the Unofficial Content Creators Night at the 43rd National in Chicago. The gathering was attended by men, women and kids, all looking to share ideas about their thoughts on YouTube and podcasting and just have a great night talking sports collecting and more.

Mike has a great YouTube channel where he keeps viewers updated on his collection and many projects he has ongoing. He and other content creators are doing a great service promoting the hobby and educating those that tune in multiple times a week.

Here’s a two-minute segment with Mike, Baseball Collector.

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