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Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio: Rene Nezhoda, Storage Wars, National Sports Collectors Convention

Rick talks with Rene Nezhoda on the floor of the National Sports Collectors Convention in Cleveland.

Rene and Casey Nezhoda have been married for 16 years and are the owners of a 7,000 square foot shop called Bargain Hunters Thrift Store in San Diego, California.

One of the first things people notice about Rene is his accent, but the second is his buying prowess. With a big bankroll and an extensive knowledge of secondhand sales, Rene is a veteran buyer who doesn’t back down for anyone. Rene’s been buying and selling storage units since the age of 11 but when he’s not at the storage lockers, Rene loves to play poker and collect.

With hundreds of episodes of “Storage Wars” in the can, is Nezhoda an actor, reality show star or a TV villain?

“I’m a collector,” laughed Nezhoda before he took the stage at the Ebay booth to conduct what he now does most of his days, a card break. “I’ve been collecting for 30 years and I’m really getting out there now with getting on sites like Ebay.”

Rick and Rene talk about that and more.

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