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Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio: Isaac Alpert, The Pennysleever, Protection for Sports Collectors


The Pennysleever is a family business, founded by hobbyists, who believe that collectors would rather spend their money on their collection than their supplies. The motto says, we strive to offer top quality supplies at fair prices.

Rick talks with Isaac Alpert of The Pennysleever this week.

Have a listen:

Whether you collect vintage or modern, rip wax or buy singles, we want to provide the products that keep your collection safe and looking great.

Facebook: ThePennysleever
Instagram: The_Pennysleever
X: ThePennysleever
Youtube: @ThePennysleever

It’s now more important than ever for collectors to protect their collection.

Team Pennysleever is getting out into the world more, setting up at card shows around New York and New England. It has been a real thrill meeting Sleeveheads (yes, I am going to try and make that a thing) face to face! We’ve had a lot of really interesting conversations with collectors, and heard about what supplies you are looking for. We are taking notes, and expect some exciting announcements in the not-too-distant future.

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