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Limpert Tech on iHeartRadio: Jeff Diamond, On Tour Golf, Repurposed Golf and Tennis 

Jeff Diamond has been making unique items for the past twenty-four years, as well as furniture and other functional items from recycled golf clubs with no end in sight. His creations, are the only ones like it in the world and all made in America. Jack Nicklaus, one of the most famous golfers ever, has Jeff's Big Turtle sculpture in his collection.

Have a listen:


Jeff has successfully exhibited at major trade shows across the country including Atlanta and Las Vegas. Jeff also exhibits every year in Augusta, Georgia during the Masters golf tournament and a few years ago sold an 8 foot diameter sphere, sculptured completely from recycled golf club heads, for $30,000.00. Of course most of his unique products are priced for the general public to enjoy. So let's "play through" and view a sampling of his great works!

Jeff is now venturing into the tennis world, recycling vintage wooden rackets into tables and table lamps.

Check out On Tour Golf.

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