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Each week, Rick joins his buddy Sully to talk tech on the Limpert Tech "SullyCast on ALT 105.7, formerly TalkRadio 640 WGST

Entries in facemasks (1)


Limpert Tech "SullyCast" on ALT 105.7 and iHeartRadio 10/17/20 - Dr. Mary Clifton talking COVID-19, Facemasks and Boomer Naturals

Great to be joined on iHeartRadio by Dr. Mary Clifton this week.

Have a listen:

Mary Clifton, M.D. is a board-certified, licensed, internal medicine doctor practicing in Manhattan. She is a recognized expert in cannabinoids and the ECS and is the founder of and the highly respected professional certification course, The Cannabinoid Protocol. She provides specialized consultation on patient and provider education, telemedicine and cannabinoids and terpenes, and has worked with several pharmaceutical corporations on areas of product development, speaker’s bureau, spokesperson, telemedicine, medical and scientific directorship.

With Halloween just around the corner, and with COVID-19 still lurking, how can Americans ensure that their kids can still have fun trick-or-treating without the fear of catching or spreading the virus? While the average fashion face masks only protect from 5% of airborne particles, there’s a mask that will ward off 99.99%, making them the best (and safest) option for worry-free trick-or-treating. Made by Boomer Naturals, these masks are triple layered and rely on the latest technology to ensure their masks are the best and safest non-medical masks on the planet. Masks are infused with nano-silver fibers (yes, real silver!) to help fight viruses, including the Coronavirus.

They’re literally a “fortress for your kids’ face” on Halloween!

Some great tips from Mary!