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Entries in Fitness (6)


"The Tech of Sports" Featuring TechSmith’s Mike Kujansuu

A great guest in Mike Kujansuu on "The Tech of Sports" tonight.

Coach’s Eye is the ultimate way to distribute videos and collaborate with your team. No matter where you are. Only you and the other team members will be able to access videos shared with the team.

InstantReplay solution from Coach’s Eye. InstantReplay is a pure mobile, device-to-device, in-game video play solution that gives teams the ability to diagnose behavior as it happens and help them the right calls to capture the W.

InstantReplay streamlines an athlete’s video review process, and enables real-time game film on smartphones and tablets user every day. A free, early access program will be available through September 30.

Have a listen:


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 38: Dr. Jedediah Jones




"The Tech of Sports" Episode 37: Rick's Gadget Picks

Had a lot of fun with this episode.

Thanks to Steve for helping out.


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 36: Pro Tennis Player Maria Sanchez


Have a watch or listen:


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 35: Cheerleader Rachael Kelley

Athletes come in all shapes and sizes and usually take a risk when they get out on their field of play.  It’s no different with cheerleaders, as they have been in the news recently as the push was on to make cheerleading a sport and give them the same resources and care that athletes like football and basketball players get.

Make no mistake about it, cheerleaders are athletes and the sport is dangerous.  With 400,000 high school cheerleaders, 123,000 on competitive cheerleading teams and up to another 10,000 in colleges and universities, this is a popular sport.

On this episode of "The Tech of Sports", I talk with St. Louis University cheerleader Rachael Kelley.

Rachael is insightful, entertaining and engaging.  If she wants, she has a future in broadcasting.

Give it a watch or listen.