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Entries in USTA (4)


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 36: Pro Tennis Player Maria Sanchez


Have a watch or listen:


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 28: Troy University Tennis Coach Eric Hayes

Tennis is more than just tournaments like the U.S. Open and Wimbledon.  On the professional level there are 100’s of smaller tournaments played around the globe with players looking to break into the big time.  College tennis was thrust into the spotlight this year with current and former U.S. college players performing very well.

We talk about all that and more with Eric Hayes, coach of the men's and women's tennis teams at Troy University and tournament director of the 25K USTA Tennis Classic of Troy.

Great tennis talk... give it a listen...



"The Tech of Sports" Episode 24: Talking About 10 & Under Tennis

A great show and a great debate.

Have a watch or a listen and let me know what you think.

Thanks again to Jeff Salzenstein and Marty Collins for coming on.


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 16: Former ATP Tennis Pro Jeff Salzenstein

It's tennis talk this week on "The Tech of Sports" as we are joined by former top-100 ATP pro Jeff Salzenstein.

Jeff is a great interview and is very candid in his comments about the state of tennis, the USTA and their 10 and under initiative and he gives some training and nutrition tips for players of all levels.

We even talk about Vince Spadea's book.  Where else are you going to find talk like that?

Jeff's site is

Have a listen here: