Modern Family Quotes from 'Someone to Watch over Lily'

Mitchell and Cameron are looking to pick legal guardians for Lily in case anything were to happen to them, and are secretly assessing their family members. But no one is blowing their socks off, as they witness Jay giving Manny a dose of tough love, Claire secretly taking Luke to a child psychologist to assess his development, and Haley and Alex getting into some delinquent activities at school.
What will they do?
Here are tonight's quotes:
Manny: I can't see myself going back to drip.
Gloria: I don't love Grandmother.
Cam: No one from Missouri would say Missoura.
Claire: Come back in 7 years and 5 months when they are all gone!
Cam: You know with all the frozen cows and all.
Mitchell: It would have to be a very tragic accident.
Gloria: If something did we would be so happy.
Claire: You're going to have to smell Daddy's receptionist some other time.
Luke: One time she gave me a woody.
Luke: Smell Heather for me.
Phil: I always do...not.
Haley: Go knock on the door, Ellen Einstein.
Cam: My Aunt Pat, total gun nut, lives totally off the grid.
Cam: I don't know about Jay raising a child.
Mitchell: He raised me.
Manny: Without chaperones, it's anarchy.
Luke: She's like the best doctor ever, no shots. I didn't even have to take my pants off.
Claire: I'm worried he's turning into you, Phil.
Mitchell: I've never said anything about my shy bladder.
Jay: I've seen vines climb walls faster than that.
Cam: Excuse me sherpa, can you assist me.
Cam: I know it seems daunting, but it's simple.
Haley: That's not feet.
Cam: I'm just glad my clown training taught me how to take a fall.
Jay: I could use a little piece of lumbar right now.
Cam: Mitchell, What are hair rings?
Gloria: But did you see both sides, I didn't just do the gay ear, look.
Haley: Calm down you just did one bad thing.
Mitchell: The crazy aunts and frozen cows.
Manny: I have some concerns about the shower situation.
Manny: If Rueben can go with that extra nipple.
Gloria: I've had them since I was 2, huge ones.
Gloria: When something horrible happens, you're going to be all mine.
Mitchell: Carmen Miranda!

Reader Comments (2)
Hello. I have a question for you. In the last episode Manny talks about the "shower situation" and then he adds he hasnt reached his ideal "height". what does he mean by that? I couldnt make the connection between shower situation and his height.. Thanks
It means he wishes he was taller.