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Converation Corner: Author of 'Broken Promises' Nick Nichols

Author and lawyer, Nick Nichols joined Steve and I on Conversation Corner this week.

Nick's first novel is Broken Promises.

If you like legal thrillers that are edgy and gripping, then you will love Broken Promises. In this novel, break-out author, Nick Nichols, a long-time family law attorney, tackles all the spicy issues of divorce: adultery, addiction, power, and greed. The lead character’s error in judgment, namely, sleeping with his client, took him down a path that spiraled down into an abyss. The book serves as a cautionary tale for lawyers who might be similarly tempted.

Nick Nichols has seen it all when it comes to family legal issues and he does more than a “drive by” of a number of these from not only a lawyer’s perspective, but also the reader’s perspective. At some point, we’ve all had dealings with lawyers that included many twists and turns. This book will either open some memories or expose the reader to a new situation or set of emotions. Nichols does a great job with character development while bringing the plot to a carefully executed ending. A great end of summer read that does not disappoint. I’m looking forward to Nichols’ next effort.

Listen to the podcast and see the show page here:


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