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Crowdfunding Corner: Fidget-Capsule

Soon on indiegogo.

When you google the word ‘fidget’, two highly successful fidget devices appear: the fidget-spinner and the fidget-cube. This is the next generation! Strong yet cute, Fidget-Capsule, helps relieve tension while quietly strengthening your fingers!


  1. Doesn’t require attention and is easy to use 
  2. Offers 5 different level of resistant to strengthen one's fingers.
  3. Is built like an “old fashioned” metal device, in terms of its reliability and trustworthy mechanics.
Our CEO, The entrepreneur behind the Fidget-Capsule, Nir Daniel, has dealt with the improvement and development of fitness equipment for years. The fidget capsule came about when his nephew explained that he was having trouble playing the guitar, and couldn’t find a device that could help strengthen his fingers (not just his hand), while going about his day. 
The fidget that gives you more!

Helps in concentration, releasing tension from long sitting in front of screens and on the way trains your palm and fingers.
Different colors available. Sign up for updates on

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