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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in People (1692)


Lohan's Blaming Everybody Except Lindsay

Painting Lindsay as the victim, Lindsay Lohan's mother blamed her daughter's jail term on a judge that "played hardball" and defended the troubled star on Friday, but said she would retreat from Hollywood after finishing a stint in rehab to move back to New York.

Dina Lohan told U.S. morning talk show NBC's "Today" she didn't think her 24 year-old daughter deserved jail time -- "not for this particular offense," she said.

"She's been through a lot. The judge played hardball. Lindsay was in with alleged murderers and she's become friends with a lot of them. Lindsay rolled with the punches and she's doing wonderfully," she told Matt Lauer in an interview involving several terse exchanges.

Lohan is currently in a 90-day drug and alcohol rehabilitation program at the University of California Los Angeles after having served 13 days behind bars for violating her probation in a pair of drunken driving cases in 2007.

The California judge who sent Lohan to jail removed herself last week from the actress's drunken driving probation proceedings, following complaints she had improper conversations about the case.

"She will be coming back to New York," she said. "Los Angeles is a little...It's a different game you play there, the court system is a little different."

She disagreed that she and her estranged ex-husband Michael Lohan -- who admitted to CBS' "The Early Show" on Friday he had "made my mistakes" -- had not done enough to turn the young actress' life around.


It’s Time to Leave Erin Andrews Alone


Ok, I think everyone has had their fun with the Erin Andrews situation. On no less than three Atlanta radio stations, in a five minute span, they played her 911 call to local police after reporters were seen in her gated community, and it made a difficult situation even worse for the ESPN reporter.

When Andrews mentioned in her 911 call that they are treating her like Britney Spears she was not far from the truth. Why there hasn’t been more vocal support for Andrews is troubling to me. She has done nothing wrong, and she is the victim of being videotaped naked in her hotel room. I’ve even heard some of her colleague’s even say that she is to blame.

Andrews right is on a break from her ESPN duties and while she is absent until the start of college football season everyone needs to giver her some space and let her address it on her own timetable. I can’t imagine how she feels; I would be scared and paranoid the next time I checked into a hotel room. I’m sure she might be terrified.

For he times being, lets everyone leave her alone and out of the news.

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