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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in book (307)


Amazon Pick of the Week: Elvis: The Unofficial Aldo Cookbook

If you too like shopping at Aldi.

Discover the countless budget-friendly and delicious meals you can make with your favorite ALDI products!

Fans of ALDI, it’s time to celebrate your love of the best-ever grocery store with a cookbook dedicated entirely to your favorite products. You’ll find creative and mouth watering ideas that take simple, budget-friendly ALDI-brand ingredients and turn them into fantastic dishes. From healthy appetizers to restaurant-worthy comfort food classics and everything in between, you’ll be surprised at the amazing breakfasts, lunches, and dinners you can make after a shopping trip to your local ALDI, including:

• Baked French Toast with Berries
• Breaded Chicken Parmigiana
• Shrimp Scampi
• Everything Bagel Dip
• Easy-Peasy Frozen Yogurt
• And much more!

With 75 recipes and full-color photographs, you’ll be cooking like a pro with your favorite grocery store staples.


Kindle Pick of the Week: Cyber Strong

Ajay Singh brings over 35 years in cybersecurity to this book.

Cyber Risk Management for Business Leaders – as Cyber Threats Soar

In the post-COVID world, millions of employees now find themselves working from home, leaving organizations scrambling to manage cyber risks as workers use often-weak home communications infrastructure.

But pandemic aside, every organization’s key information assets are heavily exposed to cyber threats, making it one of the leading causes of theft and loss.

In his new book, Ajay Singh demystifies and simplifies cyber risk management so anyone can not only understand the threats, but acknowledge and implement the many opportunities that exist to safeguard against cybercrime.

Synopsis of ‘CyberStrong: A Primer on Cyber Risk Management for Business Managers’:

Cyber risk is one of the biggest challenges businesses face in the 21st Century. The increasing dependence and use of technology to run businesses combined with the spate of cyber-attacks and risk to reputational damage in recent times has made cybersecurity a top priority for corporates as well as big and small businesses.

Limited knowledge of cybersecurity among business leaders and managers is a major barrier for effective cyber risk management. This book empowers business managers to assess cyber threats, integrate cybersecurity strategy with business goals, and build appropriate response systems to deal with cyber risks.

Securing businesses from cyber risks requires business managers to proactively identify, understand and manage them. Most organizations have possibly experienced some type of a cyber incident. The increasing severity and frequency of these threats underlines the importance of managing cyber risks. Be it phishing attacks, business email compromise attacks, ransomware attacks or other types of cyber malware attacks and scams. Cybercriminals are always looking to exploit any cyber vulnerabilities to steal data relating to your business including customer data, employee data, intellectual property data, financial data, and most of all money. In a post COVID-19 world the threat of cyber-attacks has only grown larger, with the workforce of many organizations having to work from home. The threat of cybercrime is widespread and continues to effect individuals, organisations, and governments worldwide.

Today, the top leadership of an organization is increasingly being held responsible for cybersecurity related incidents such as data breaches and compliance failures. Board members and business leaders must be actively involved in implementing a governance structure, evaluating cyber threats and risks and articulating policy and procedure in order to safeguard their information assets. They must also play a key role in defining the risk appetite and thresholds, risk monitoring and in providing guidance for aligning cyber risk management to an organization’s goals and objectives.

CYBERSTRONG! A Primer on Cyber Risk Management for Business Managers, aims to inform and empower business managers and leaders alike to be able to assess cyber threats, integrate cybersecurity strategy with business goals, and build appropriate response systems to deal with cyber risks.

The book demystifies and simplifies a complex technical subject and uses case studies to enhance understanding and implementing various aspects of cyber risk management that helps business leaders and managers to integrate cyber risk management with business strategy. It also helps Board members and Senior Management to interact with IT staff and experts on the many facets of cybersecurity including development of action plans and compliance.

“Every business leader, owner, manager or even IT student can use this book to stop the confusion over cyber security, and learn what it is and how to implement safeguards – in a way that is simple and just makes sense,” explains the author. “Many people think that cyber threats are something they almost have to submit to – but you can absolutely and perfectly safeguard your information assets. I’ll show you how.”

Continuing, “Almost every business I consult with has numerous cybersecurity “holes” they didn’t know existed. So, even if you have an iron-clad strategy in place, this book will show you what you need to go back and revisit, so you can “plug up” the holes and ensure your existing strategy has true longevity.”

Reviews have been extremely positive. Prof. M. L. Saikumar, PhD writes, “This book gives extensive coverage on how organizations can keep themselves protected from cyber threats. It will enable you to turn a risk into advantage. It discusses topics ranging from identifying cyber threats and vulnerabilities to understanding cyber risks and managing cyber risks. Author has structured the contents very well and has included real-life examples. This book can be useful to business leaders, IT professionals and law-enforcing authorities. It can be used as a textbook in universities and colleges in the graduate programs on cyber security. This book is the need of the hour.”

Ashok Barat, Board Member and Corporate Advisor, and President of The Council of EU Chambers of Commerce in India, adds, “Like cricket, writing a book is all about ‘timing’. Ajay’s exquisite cover drive exposing gaps in the ‘cyber security fielding’ of internet users is an elegant display of his skills. The recent events have made the internet and exposure to the cyber world commonplace and ubiquitous. This primer is as essential as the helmet and the guards for the business manager and for you and me. A must-read for all.”

‘CyberStrong: A Primer on Cyber Risk Management for Business Managers’ is available now:


Kindle Pick of the Week: Pivot to Win

If there’s anything we can count on these days, it’s change.  Jordan Babineaux, former NFL player turned entrepreneur and business coach, helps people embrace change and pivot for growth — using their strengths to overcome adversity, staying motivated for the long run.
Babineaux, a serial entrepreneur, shares his insights in his new book, PIVOT TO WIN. 

In his book, Babineaux reveals that even as a child, he had some difficult choices to make. He could have been tempted by drugs and crime, but instead, encouraged by his mother and siblings, focused on sports and education as a way to reach his goal of playing pro football. Once in the NFL, he relentlessly strove to stay fit and play his best until the day he retired and had to face the biggest challenge of his life. He knew the grim statistic: seventy-eight percent of NFL players are bankrupt or under financial stress within two years of leaving the league. Babineaux overcame the odds, decided to “pivot” and build a new career. The road was not always easy. Along the way, some of his businesses failed and he nearly went bankrupt, but eventually, he triumphed and today helps others achieve their mission.

Babineaux packs each chapter of PIVOT TO WIN with valuable advice that readers can use to build their own Pivot Playbooks. One of his most important lessons involves establishing a personal Ground Zero. He explains, “Change can feel like you’ve lost part of your identity. Be it a new career, a move to a new city, or working for a new boss, you must find the time and space to self-reflect. This is ‘Ground Zero’ and it means establishing where you are.” Some of his other insights include:

Examine Your Behavior – Consider developing new skills and new relationships that support your discoveries in Ground Zero. What activities do you do in a day, a week, or month? Once you create a list of those behaviors, it will be easier to see what stays and what goes. Which of these activities is serving you? Which will you give up in pursuit of something more?

Find People Who Will Hold You Accountable – Find people who support your good habits and push you to develop more. Ask yourself, who do I know who lives a life that I want to live? Who around me has a set of morals that I would like to mirror? Then interview these people. How can you act in a similar way? What kind of actions can the two of you take to hold each other accountable to your goals?

Learn From Your Mistakes – Think about a choice that you’ve made that doesn’t align with the person you want to become. What can you do to prevent yourself from being in that situation again? Who can you rely on to help you stay out of toxic environments? What do you need to change?

Refuse To Take “No” For An Answer – When you face a “no,” it means you’ve asked the wrong person. Sometimes the person who says no doesn’t even have authority. Don’t walk away without seeking the person who has the “yes” that you’re looking for. “No” could be the one thing standing between you and achieving your goal. Consider this approach the next time someone tells you no.

Focus On What’s Ahead – Whatever you focus on gets your attention. Life is like a magnifying glass that can burn a hole in paper when it’s in pure focus. You too can ignite a fire when you focus on what’s in front of you. Stare into the rear-view mirror too long and you’ll crash. Get back in the game and pursue the future you really want.

Employ Both A Growth  A nd Service Mindset – Nothing can be lost when you commit to growing and serving. Who in your life has a growth mindset? Can you talk with them about how they maintain that mindset? As for a service mindset, what can you offer others even when you’re struggling? What skillsets do you have that you can lend to someone else?

Jordan Babineaux learned many things during his relentless journey to become a professional football player and a successful business leader. By sharing his accomplishments, failures, and missteps in PIVOT TO WIN, Babineaux gives readers dozens of tools that they can apply to themselves. His book is the ultimate guide to success in life, sports, and business.  


Kindle Pick of the Week: The Rugged Entrepreneur: What Every Disruptive Business Leader Should Know

I'll be talking with the author tomorrow, but this book is really worth a read.

Have you ever dreamed about owning your own business? Maybe becoming a market disruptor? Would you know where to start? Do you have a coach, a mentor, or a teacher who can show you how? Well, now you do.

If we are lucky, we have been taught to dream since the time we were very young. If we are luckier still, we have also been taught to establish a sturdy foundation for those dreams to stand upon. When building the business you’ve always dreamed of, you must first establish a rock-solid foundation, something I’ve learned from many years of experience as a Rugged Entrepreneur.

What is a “Rugged Entrepreneur”? It’s what I call a special breed of entrepreneur. Ruggeds make the leap toward success in a way that separates them from the millions who fall short because they invest the time and effort to develop and hone the specific set of powerful skills you’ll discover in these pages.


Book Pick of the Week: Increasing Your Influence at Work for Dummies

Get more out of your time at work!

Influence is a timeless topic for business leaders and others in positions of power, but the world has evolved to the point where everyone needs these skills. No matter your job, role, rank, or function, if you want to get things done you need to know how to influence up, down, across, and outside the organization.

Increasing Your Influence at Work All-in-One For Dummies shows you how to contribute more fully to important decisions, resolve conflicts more easily, lead and manage more effectively, and much more. Plus, you'll discover how to develop the most important attributes necessary for influence—trustworthiness, reliability, and assertiveness—and find out how to move beyond.

Includes easy-to-apply information for influencing managers, peers, and subordinates

Shows you how to build trust with your co-workers and cultivate reliability through consistency and being personal

Illustrates how influencing others in the office helps you enjoy a greater measure of control over your work life

Helps you advance your career more rapidly than others

And more!