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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in book (307)


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Gems From Warren Buffett

A lifetime of Warren Buffett's wit & wisdom in just 122 pages.

This isn't another investment tutorial or biography on Warren Buffett. Instead, it's a collection of 240 of his wittiest and most insightful thoughts ("gems"), culled from 34 years of his letters to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders.

These gems lighten spirits with their humor, enlighten minds with their wisdom, and provide an interesting view into one of America's most successful CEOs.

This book captures the essence of Warren Buffett's iconic letters in an entertaining and digestible format

20% of sales (not just profits) are donated to the GLIDE charity, as part of the agreement to use Warren Buffett's copyrighted content.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Geezer Paradise


South Florida may be the promised land for laid-back retirees, but there's nothing laid back about Barney McGee's retirement. A notorious developer has set his sights on Barney's mobile home park--he wants to level it and build high-rise condos. Then the park's resident lawyer who is fighting the sale, is murdered. And who is the mysterious Night Stalker, that is planting bombs under Barney's house? Could it be the work of the developer? Barney and his neighbor, Willey, and their pet monkey, Oscar (it's a long story) set off on a Quixotic mission to stop the developer any way they can . . . short of murder!
Be prepared to be entertained.

The Invaluable Experience with Danielle Lao

After weeks of work, my book with former USC All American tennis player Danielle Lao is live in the Kindle Store on

For anyone that is thinking about playing college sports, this is a great read with great advice offered up by Danielle.

The book is made up of exerpts from Danielle's blog and more.

I love this book and loved helping on this project, but it is all Danielle and what a great writer she is.

For me, working on this book with Danielle was an Invaluable Experience for me.

Get it for $3.99 in the Kindle Store.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Digital Minds - 12 Things Every Business Needs to Know About Digital Marketing

Technology and the Internet are in flux. Giants like Apple, Google and Facebook are changing the way we interact with each other. Technologies move so quickly that jumping on the train can be daunting for businesses. But the route hasn’t always been clear; social media, mobile marketing and search marketing campaigns are always changing.

Luckily, digital marketing is still in its infancy and there’s plenty of time to get on track. Written by WSI, Digital Minds brings industry-proven expertise to assist your business with hot strategies for content marketing, social media, responsive web design, SEO, display advertising, email marketing and more. By grasping the trends now, your business can catch up to speed and stay ahead of the competition.

Get this book.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Hostile Witness

How about a thriller this week?

When sixteen-year-old Hannah Sheraton is arrested for the murder of her stepgrandfather, the chief justice of the California Supreme court, her distraught mother turns to her old college roommate, Josie Baylor-Bates, for help. Josie, once a hot-shot criminal defense attorney, left the fast track behind for a small practice in Hermosa Beach, California. But Hannah Sheraton intrigues her and, when the girl is charged as an adult, Josie cannot turn her back. But the deeper she digs the more Josie realizes that politics, the law and family relationships create a combustible and dangerous situation. When the horrible truth is uncovered it can save Hannah Sheraton or destroy them both.