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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Kindle Free Pick (69)


Kindle Pick of the Week: Extreme

Surfing, skateboarding and tech!

Hope Ellson is from the wrong side of the tracks, but her genius transcends class. When Hope joins FearToShred, a Silicon Valley extreme gaming startup, Hope’s mission is to groom the scrappy company for prime time. Enter Doug Wiser, her very married ex. While the two work in tandem, nefarious forces are at work behind the scenes. Adding to the excitement of this thriller are the stars and heroes of surfing and skateboarding. With a keen eye on women in tech, business ethics and dangerous stunts, “Extreme” will leave you breathless.

Winner of the Cervena Barva and Chaffin Fiction Awards, Joan’s work has appeared in The Huffington Post, Vanity Fair, Rattle, Pank! The Meridien Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Chicken Soup for the Soul and over 200 literary journals, blogs and magazines.

A member of the National Book Critics Circle, Joan has worked for California Poets in the Schools, Poetry Out Loud, Chiat/Day Advertising and other Bay Area companies. She currently coaches writers and teaches in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: 30 Days

A thriller free pick this week.

Abused by her husband. Dealing with the loss of her only sister. A suicide attempt that doesn't end in death and a husband who wants her inheritance. Elle’s life is a catastrophe. But she has a list and thirty things she’s determined to accomplish. Love isn't on that list but it comes crashing unexpectedly into her life.

Ryan’s current lifestyle requires a lot of funds, he likes his toys. He married his wife knowing she had a hefty inheritance and is bent on securing it for himself by any means possible.

It goes from there...


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - The Geneva Connection

Brilliant investor John Kent is living his dream. The success of his private equity firm has propelled him into the ranks of the world's super-rich, allowing him to give his family the security and advantages he didn’t have in his own childhood.

But John's dream is shattered with the discovery that his largest investor is bankrolled by the most vicious drug cartel in Mexico. Then one of his partners is murdered to guarantee his silence, and John realizes he cannot cooperate with the authorities.

When the ambitious head of the DEA threatens John with incarceration, his nightmare is complete. If he resists the DEA, what will happen to his family while he's imprisoned? But the alternative is worse. For if John chooses to betray the cartel, he and his family will pay the ultimate price.

A great read for free.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Espaรฑol Uno: Start Speaking Spanish Quickly and Easily

Always good to know as much Spanish as possible.

Are you having trouble understanding a client or a colleague because you only know English? Have you attended a Spanish class, but for some reason you can't recall what you have learned? Do you want to converse in Spanish, so you can communicate better with people who speak the language?

Being bilingual these days is an important job qualification, especially for the medical, education, and social service industries. It's truly a huge advantage for someone who already possesses the skill, and that's why you should start learning for your own benefit.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Kundalini Secrets Revealed

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to become awaken your Kundalini energy and reap its positive benefits, including the ability of healing your body naturally.

Here’s an inescapable fact: A divine energy is residing within you. It is a dormant energy that remains to be untapped. It is called by many names, but once you are able to awaken this energy, you will be surprised with the changes that it brings to your life.