Modern Family Quotes from 'Good Cop, Bad Dog'

Phil and Claire swap parenting roles for the day - Claire will assume the role of good cop and Phil the disciplinarian bad cop. How will the kids react? Meanwhile Gloria is at it again, taking in every sob story and stray she comes across, Jay finds himself dispensing business advice to an overzealous entrepreneur about his dog training business scheme, and Cameron is stuck in bed with the flu -- leaving Mitchell torn about the Lady Gaga concert tickets they have for later that night. Oh my!
Here are tonight's quotes.
Mitchell: It's the one gay cliche I allow myself.
Manny: In Europe this would be no big deal.
Claire: What was good about Luke's report card?
Phil: He didn't lose it.
Phil: Dad wants to go go-carting!
Jay: He a dog, that's new.
Mitchell: The bed kind of looks like a Rose Parade float.
Mitchell: But there's that Craigslist killer.
Cam: Can I get one of my little pudding cups?
Guillermo: The good dog, bad dog training system...
Guillermo: The bad doggie treat is very bland.
Guillermo: Welcome to the ground floor.
Jay: She's peeing on the floor.
Phil: Stop this car! You poked him!
Jay: Any idea would be a better idea.
Gloria: I put on the sugar jacket!
Manny: Do you have a skinless chicken breast.
Claire: What are you going to the ball Cinderella?
Alex: Dad, we haven't had lunch yet?
Phil: Either have half the kids in Africa.
Phil: Grab your buckets and meet me by the car.
Claire: You are not a good bad cop!
Mitchell: You drank enough of the cough syrup to drop a grizzly.
Gloria: But instead I have Jay.
Cam: You're still blinking sweetie!