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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Cheerleaders (4)


TV Reporter Rips Pants During Segment


Cheering with 'Bible Banners'

Cheerleaders at a Texas high school have won a court order allowing them to continue featuring Biblical quotes on the large paper banners that they hold up for football players to tear through when they take the field at the game opening.

The ruling by a Hardin County judge late Thursday over the so-called “Bible Banners” at the school in the east Texas town of Kountze marked the latest twist in a broader national clash over the separation of religion from public schools.

The banners typically use Biblical passages for messages such as “thanks be to God which gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ,” and are a tradition in Kountze, which has about 2,100 residents northeast of Houston.

Superintendent Kevin Weldon, a former high school football coach, said he contacted the school’s lawyers after he received the letter and ordered the practice with the banners canceled.

Weldon, a former high school football coach, said he was uncomfortable removing the banners and that a lot of Kountze residents agreed with the cheerleaders, but would follow the decisions of the courts and the school board.

“I applaud the students for what they are standing for, I applaud their convictions,” Weldon said. “I have the same convictions they do. My relationship with God is very important to me and this community feels the same way.”

Liberty Institute’s senior counsel, Mike Johnson, said the case was “a quintessential example of students’ private speech being censored unnecessarily by uninformed school officials” and the cheerleaders were committed to fighting for their rights.

“They wanted to demonstrate good sportsmanship by including positive messages on their banners that will encourage not only the home team, but also the players and fans on the opposing side,” Johnson said.

Liberty Institute President Kelly Shackelford said the group had worked to pass state laws that protect religious speech by students and was ready to pursue the issue as long as it takes.


Cheerleading 'Wonder Women'

This shot is from a cheerleading competition in Russia where the cheerleaders donned Wonder Woman costumes for their routine.

Where's the invisible plane?


College Cheerleader's Eating Disorders Caused by Uniforms they Wear, Study Says


They are doing studies on everything these days.

A new study by the  University of South Carolina has found that those cheerleaders that wear midriff-baring uniforms are at an extremely high risk of developing eating disorders. 

South Carolina officials polled 136 college cheerleaders and found fully one-third feel that they have to live up to an image of how they should look in their cheerleading uniforms, and "They thought the coaches wanted them to be smaller than they actually really were. It's amazing, the impact a coach has on a cheerleader."

Can this be right?  They are cheerleaders, they choose to be.  Nobody is holding a gun to their head to make them do this.  If the pressure is too much, they need to join intramural sports or find something else to do to support their school.

The study, among other things, asked cheerleaders what they felt like in street clothes, cheering uniforms and midriff-baring uniforms. Those wearing the latter were at greater risk for body-image issues and other disorders, she found.

"Regardless of whether it was daily clothing, a full uniform or a midriff uniform, they all wanted to be smaller. But the thing that stuck out the most was they wanted to be smallest in the midriff uniform, which says a lot about the impact of a midriff."

Maybe we need to go back to cheerleading outfits of the past.

The fact that there was a study done on this, and that the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators (AACCA) in Memphis is looking into this shows they have too much time on their hands and they are bowing to political pressure from somebody.  I bet Nancy Pelosi and Gloria Allred are involved at some level.

There are many other sociatial pressures that are causing girls to have eating disorders.  This has been going on for a long time, maybe we need to abolish the Victoria's Secret catalog and the Miss America pageant as well.

I just thought of a great parody song Weird Al could do.  "Mamas,  Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be Cowboy's Cheerleaders."