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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Excel (3)


Book Pick of the Week: Exploring Microsoft Excel's Hidden Secrets

For a limited time, it's free!

This book will enable you to create resilient spreadsheets that are easy for others to use as well, while incorporating spreadsheet disaster preparedness techniques.

The time-saving techniques covered in the book include creating custom shortcuts and icons to streamline repetitive tasks, as well as automating them with features such as Tables and Custom Views. You’ll see how Conditional Formatting enables you to apply colors, Cell icons, and other formatting on-demand as your data changes.

By the end of this book, you’ll have a broader awareness of how to avoid pitfalls in Excel. You’ll be empowered to work more effectively in Excel, having gained a deeper understanding of the frustrating oddities that can arise daily in Excel.

Get it here:


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Excel for Beginners

If you are trying to master Excel, this is where to start.

Microsoft Excel is one of the most commonly used programs across all industry and geopolitical lines. Despite this fact, many business people, even those who interact with Excel regularly, don’t understand the essentials that can really further their career.

The truth is that most people find the task of learning about Excel overwhelming when confronted with a thousand-page book.

Could you be one of them?

You see, more information is not always good, especially if you want to save time and effort. The right information expressed in a clearly beneficial way is, however, always good.

That's why this book focuses on the basics and what you'll really need on a daily basis.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Excel Manual: The All-In-One Guide to Learn & Master Microsoft Excel 

If you're looking for a "special souse" to improve your skills in Excel, but never found it before, then you may be interested in this guide. First, however, I need to know: Does any of these sound familiar?

1. I have a corporate job where I'm crunching numbers in Excel. However, it takes me lots of time to process the data into meaningful reports, so I wish I could know how to automate these processes.
2. I use Excel in both business and life, but I would like to know more useful tools and features for quick analysis of information in order to get ahead in all my endeavors.
3. I'm just getting started, and I want to learn Excel as faster as possible but don't know where to start and what information to focus on.

You may need this free eBook.