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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Google Books (1)


iPad Free App of the Week: Google Books

Here's how the App Store bills the Google Books app:

The Google Books app offers access to over 2 million Google eBooks on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. Take your favorite books with you on the go.

Great Reading Experience

- Change font, search within book, information about book
- Night-reading mode
- Offline reading mode

Discover Millions of Titles

- Millions of books in every imaginable category, from New York Times bestsellers to favorite classics
- Over 2 million free ebooks available instantly
- Over 400,000 ebooks for purchase
- Free preview pages
- Unlimited storage of books in the digital cloud
- Worry-free archive

Syncs With Your Google Books Library

- Find books at and add them to the 'My Google eBooks' shelf to sync
- Access all your ebooks wirelessly from the digital cloud; no dedicated e-reading device required
- Automatic page position synching across devices -- pick up reading where you left off



All that being said, I like the app, but I don't see giving up using the Kindle app for books and reading.  I think the Kindle app on my iPad is the rest of the eBook store apps.  But give Google Books a try, it will continue to grow and get better as feedback comes in from users.