Book Pick of the Week: Grow it Back by Tamim Hamid

“Grow it Back serves as an immersive guide to understanding hair, various hair treatments, and laser phototherapy.”
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The best and safest advancement in treating hair loss or hair regrowth is Laser Phototherapy (LPT), which has no side effects and is eight times more powerful than any drug. Former NASA scientist Tamim Hamid (Pronounced Tuh-MEEM), PhD., crafted Grow it Back as the first book to cover all aspects of laser treatment for hair. Tamim references extensive clinical studies and translates decades of research into easy-to-grasp terms so anyone can appreciate the benefits of this technology. Grow it Back serves as a benchmark guide to understanding hair, hair treatments, and LPT through research, development, and innovation while educating readers about the advantages of using LPT over other types of treatment. His research is translated into practice with the introduction of Theradome, a revolutionary treatment device.
Rarely has a science-based book addressing a quotidian disorder such as hair thinning and loss due to aging and other unwelcome conditions been so readily accessible as Grow it Back!
Grady Harp, MD, Diplomate of the American Board of Laser Surgery
Broken down into distinct sections, Grow it Back covers every aspect of hair growth and loss, hair treatments, and LPT, as well as the science behind Theradome, Tamim’s own invention for treating hair loss. He begins with a discussion on the benefits and uses of light in health and the medical field. Next, he dives deep into the science behind hair, covering everything readers could possibly want to know about hair. This includes the phases of hair growth, types of hair, what causes hair loss, and much more.
To have a NASA scientist compile the most innovative and comprehensive information on hair and scalp wellness in one complete resource is an invaluable tool for so many. Grow It Back is the book we’ve all been waiting for.
Michael Napolitano, CEO of Hair-U-Wear
He then explains the most common treatments for hair loss. He analyzes each to determine what is effective and what is not. Lastly, he explores the world of LPT, including the science behind it, dispelling myths, answering frequently asked questions, and explaining how he implemented his knowledge into Theradome. This book covers not only what it is, but why it works, and his research is backed up by a multitude of scientific studies and real examples.
I’ve been in the hair growth profession for multiple decades now, and Grow It Back has, for the first time ever, definitively shaped the landscape of how we think about hair growth and loss. A must-read.
John Ohanesian, Former CEO of Bosley
“A rare skillset combining expertise in medicine, physics, and electronics is a prerequisite for building a cold laser that is successful for hair growth,” Tamim says. “That’s probably why no one has created a light-therapy device—designed to regrow hair—in their garages until I did it in mine!” Easy to read and extensively thorough, Grow it Back is the guide that will shape the next stages of hair loss treatment. Tamim is extremely knowledgeable on the subject, and that is echoed through the presentation of this book. Accompanied by a sizable appendix and a handy glossary, Grow it Back is perfect for any reader who is interested in hair!
Grow it Back, ISBN 9798218099114, $29.98 Paperback, $0.99 Kindle, 483 Pages, Digital Photon, 2023. Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. For more information, visit
About Tamim Hamid
Sayyid Tamim Hamid, Ph.D., received undergraduate and graduate degrees in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and biomedical engineering. Tamim designed and implemented innovative tools at NASA to improve astronaut safety and efficiency in space shuttle operations. His professional history includes growing the revenue of multimillion dollar international corporations and serving as senior executive in companies that were sold to GE Medical and Johnson & Johnson. Tamim used his laser knowledge, fine-tuned at NASA, and combined it with his driving passion for helping others to pursue a lifelong mission in the field of hair loss and restoration. He is now one of the world’s leading experts. Tamim lives with his wife of thirty-three years outside San Francisco, CA. In his rare free time, he enjoys tending to his olive orchard and pressing artisanal dipping olive oil.