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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in healthy (5)


Healthy and Tasty Muffins

With different ingredients.


A Fruit Parfait Better than Starbucks

Try it at home!


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Juicing Healthy Juicing

We all know that fruits and vegetables are an essential part of our weight-loss journey, but the truth is there will always be some vegetables or fruits that you don’t like. In addition, sometime those fruits or vegetables that we dislike are often the ones that contains the most useful nutrients.

But, here is my favorite saying “if you don't like it, juice it”

Delicious recipes are cool, but what’s better is having a nice refreshing drink along with your healthy meal. In this book, you will be introduce to 33 different refreshing juicing recipes that can be incorporate into your healthy lifestyle and to further assist you on your healthy journey I have included the nutritional values of each recipe. With these information you will have a far clear idea of what you are consuming.

Lastly, as a writer the part I enjoy the most when putting this together is naming my recipes. Behold, because this book will have some of the coolest name that you have yet to see in a recipe book.

Download now and allow my recipes to refresh your day and give you a good laugh when you are telling your friends the name of your drink so everyone can LOL.


Tech Accessory Holiday Gift Idea Day 3: That's It Fruit Bars

We spend a lot of time in front of our computers.  We also get hungry.  There is nothing better to snack on than That's It Fruit Bars.

That's It. bars grew from the idea that nature knows best. We agree. We believe that adding a bunch of extra stuff to natural fruit only takes away from the purity and balance that nature intended. Ingredient lists have never been this simple and this clean until now. We use only natural, GMO-free fruit and nothing else. Our goal is to make it convenient for people to get their "2-a-day". That means that you get 2 whole servings of fruit from just one That's It. bar. With taste, convenience and portion control, That's It. has raised the bar on fruit. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION That's it. bars have only 2 ingredients, fruit and fruit. With 3g of fiber and only 100 calories, they are the perfect healthy snack! That's it. fruit bars are all natural with NO preservatives, NO added sugars, NO fat and NO nuts. They are great for various lifestyles: Gluten-free, Diabetic friendly - low glycemic index, Vegan and Kosher. Apple + Pear: The Ultimate Fiber Source! Pears are high in Vitamin C and B-complex Vitamins, which are great for immunity and energy. Fruit has a new look...Say hello to convenience! That's it...The 2 ingredient healthy snack!


Dogs Can Help Keep a Baby Healthy



Babies who spend time around pet dogs have fewer ear infections and respiratory ailments than those whose homes are animal-free, said a study released on Monday.

The study, published in the US journal Pediatrics, did not say why but suggested that being around a dog that spends at least part
of its day outdoors may boost a child's immune system in the first year of life.

The research was based on 397 children in Finland whose parents made diary entries each week recording the state of their child's health during the infant's first year, from nine weeks to 52 weeks of age.

Overall, babies in homes with cats or dogs were about 30 percent less likely to have respiratory infectious symptoms -- which included cough, wheezing, rhinitis (stuffy or runny nose) and fever -- and about half as likely to get ear infections.

"If children had dog or cat contacts at home, they were significantly healthier during the study period," said the study led by experts at Kuopio University Hospital in Finland.

The most protective association was seen in children who had a dog inside at home for up to six hours a day, compared to children who did not have any dogs or who had dogs that were always outside.

The improvement was significant, even after researchers ruled out other factors that could boost infection risk, such as not having been breastfed, attending daycare, being raised by smokers or parents with asthma, or having older siblings in the household.

In addition to having less frequent ear infections and respiratory infections, babies near dogs tended to need fewer courses of antibiotics compared to those who were reared in pet-free households, it said.

Previous research has shown conflicting results, with some studies finding no benefit for young children being around furry pets and others finding that animal contact appears to offer some protection against colds and stomach ailments.