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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in science fiction (2)


Kindle Pick of the Week: A Fastball for Freedom

A great read as baseball season starts this week!

In a world where laws restrict nearly every move people make, baseball pitcher Puppy Nedick and his ex-wife Annette are on the run. Branded by their government as American traitors and murderers, they and their friends must now navigate the chaotic remnants of London.

As Puppy faces an uncertain future run by secret police, robots, and holograms, he is determined to save the world using the only weapon he has—baseball.

A great release from Gary Morgenstein.

In A Fastball for Freedom, the sequel to Gary Morgenstein’s critically acclaimed novel A Mound Over Hell, a war-weary 22nd Century world turns to baseball, robots, and faith to bring together a hate-ravaged planet to avoid a final cataclysmic global conflict.

Out on March 25, 2021, A Fastball for Freedom will appeal to a large demographic of readers who enjoy dystopian fiction, including The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, 1984 by George Orwell, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, and Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

The year is 2098, and America is no longer a world power. There are no distinctions by sex, race, sexual preference, or ethnicity. It doesn’t matter who or what you are—all that matters is that society is based on love and ethics.

The baseball focus shifts from Yankee Stadium to the new Fenway Park (built by robots) where the eccentric historian Ernie the Wizard blesses Red Sox memorabilia hidden in a museum beneath home plate. Said former Boston pitcher Dave Morehead: "You will enjoy this entertaining and intriguing sci-fi read, especially if you are a baseball fan."

In a world where laws restrict nearly every move people make, baseball pitcher Puppy Nedick and his ex-wife are on the run. Branded by their government as American traitors and murderers, they and their friends must now navigate the chaotic remnants of London. As Puppy faces an uncertain future run by secret police, robots, and holograms, he is determined to save the world using the only weapon he has—baseball.

"The power of speculative fiction is that it allows you to be timely while taking the reader through a window into a nightmarish future," says Gary Morgenstein. "But as humanity has always done under the most terrible of circumstances, ordinary people will find the extraordinary courage to build a better world."

Gary Morgenstein is the critically acclaimed author of The Dark Depths series.  He is a regular podcast panelist for science fiction roundtables at the popular Fanboy Nation and Fellowship of Fools. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, Parade Magazine, The New York Post, Sports Illustrated, Fox News Radio, and NPR. He is the former Director, Communications for Syfy.  He enjoys sports and yoga. Gary lives in Brooklyn, NY with his wife and pug where he is working on his next novel.

A Fastball for Freedom is published by BHC Press and is available for preorder in hardcover, trade softcover, and e-book at all major booksellers. Booksellers, retailers, and librarians may order direct from Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Gardners, Overdrive, Perma-Bound, and the publisher's website

About BHC Press:  BHC Press is an award-winning independent publisher of fiction and nonfiction for the adult, teen, and children's market. To learn more, visit

On-sale: 03/25/2021
A Fastball for Freedom by Gary Morgenstein
Hardcover: 978-1-64397-186-5, $30.00, 500 pages
Softcover:  978-1-64397-187-2, $19.95, 500 pages
Ebook:        978-1-64397-188-9, $7.99
LCCN: 2020936698

Order your Kindle copy here.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Hal Spacejock

An incompetent space pilot, a massive debt and a twenty-four hour deadline...

Freighter pilot Hal Spacejock has a life to die for: His very own cargo ship, a witty and intelligent flight computer ... and a debt so big it makes the GFC look like a rounding error.

Hal's an upright sort of guy, and he won't take jobs from gun runners, drug smugglers or politicians. On the other hand, the finance company's brutal enforcer is on his doorstep, and Hal has barely twenty-four hours to pay him off. Miss the deadline and he - and his ship - will go under. Way, way, under.

Faced with an impossible choice, Hal chooses an impossible job ... and gains an impossible new co-pilot into the bargain.