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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in text me if your breathing (2)


Tech Accessory Holiday Gift Idea Day 14: Text Me If You're Breathing by Greg Schwem

The Kindle edition of Text Me If You're Breathing: Observations, Frustrations and Life Lessons From a Low-Tech Dad, by comedian Greg Schwem.  A must to keep on your New Kindle Fire, Kindle Touch, iPad or anything with the Kindle app.

What does a dad do when his daughter asks Santa for a Wii Fit and a 4G iPhone? The answer is simple: laugh! In Text Me If You're Breathing, stand-up comedian and technically challenged dad Greg Schwem accounts his mishaps and struggles with parenting in today's digital world. Whether accompanying his daughter to the New York City Apple store, purchasing a "high-tech" swing set, "tweeting" while coaching Little League or trying to lay down cell phone rules, Schwem shows readers that technology, while complicated, can be hilarious. Along the way Schwem also aims his barbs at Tiger Woods, the Consumer Electronics Show, in vitro fertilization, the National Spelling Bee and the movie Avatar. Insightful, heartfelt and always funny, Text Me If You're Breathing is proof that parenting will never come with technical support.

This book is great and you'll want to reference it time and time again.  The truth is, Greg's not that technologically challenged, but he knows how to see the humor in just about any situation.

The price of this book is too cheap, so buy a copy for yourself, give one as a gift and then buy another copy.  Greg has daughters that will in a few years be looking at colleges.  He will need all the help he can get.


Kindle Pick of the Week: Text Me if You're Breathing

Not a free pick this week, but worth the $5.00 or so you will spend for this Kindle book.

My buddy and Chicago-based comedian Greg Schwem has a new book out.  If you aren't familiar with Greg's work, he's a stand up, but he's so much more.

He used to be a TV news reporter, but then he saw the light and became a comic.  He's also a pretty darn good tennis player.  For years he worked Vegas, comedy clubs and cruise ships.

He now is an in demand speaker and host at corporate events all over the country.  He still hones his act at clubs, but if your business is looking for a host or entertainment for a corporate event, book Greg!

He's also now an author, and this book is timely and is something all us guys can relate to.

Here's the synopsis:

What does a dad do when his daughter asks Santa for a Wii Fit and a 4G iPhone?  The answer is simple:  laugh!  In Text Me If You're Breathing, stand-up comedian and technically challenged dad Greg Schwem accounts his mishaps and struggles with parenting in today's digital world.  Whether accompanying his daughter to the New York City Apple store, purchasing a "high-tech" swing set, "tweeting" while coaching Little League or trying to lay down cell phone rules, Schwem shows readers that technology, while complicated, can be hilarious.  Along the way Schwem also aims his barbs at Tiger Woods, the Consumer Electronics Show, in vitro fertilization, the National Spelling Bee and the movie Avatar.  Insightful, heartfelt and always funny, Text Me If You're Breathing is proof that parenting will never come with technical support.

It's too bad this book came out before Charlie Sheen took over the internet and the world, because Greg would've had a field day with him.

If you are a gadget hound, you probably have a Kindle or iPad with the Kindle app.  Download this book and keep it handy.  You will find it hard to stop turning the digital pages, or you can read it in parts whenever you are stuck in line at the DMV or at your daughter's gymnastics practice.

Here's the link to download it.  Remember Greg's daughters are quickly approaching college age and they may want to follow his footsteps to Northwestern, so he needs to sell a bunch of copies.