Day 8: Rick's 12 Days of Christmas - "Christmas Where You Are" By The Villains

The best 89 cents you will spend this holiday season.
The Villains had a breakout 2013. Now they put out an excellent Christmas song.
Order/download it here:

Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
The best 89 cents you will spend this holiday season.
The Villains had a breakout 2013. Now they put out an excellent Christmas song.
Order/download it here:
If you spend countless hours playing video games or sitting in front of the computer, you need some music to listen to.
Here are two of my favorites of 2012.
Don Felder's Road to Forever
Music legend Don Felder spent 27 years with the Eagles. He co-wrote 'Hotel California" and now has a solo album out. It's great. If you like the Eagles, you will love this solo effort.
The Villains' Velocity
This fast rising band out of Atlanta, GA is on the verge.
This album is getting some great air play and The Villains spent most of 2012 opening for Little Feat. Some great songs and lots of talent in this band.
They have a new album out and it's good. They are playing in Atlanta on August 3, at Variety Playhouse and it's going to be great.
I'm talking about The Villains and I had the pleasure this week to talk tech, music, BBQ and more with The Villains' drummer, Sean McNally.
What a cool and talented guy. I'll have a piece out next week on The Villains and what they have going on, but here's an excerpt from the interview with Sean and he talks about The Villains being compared to bands of the past, including the 80's band, The Fabulous Thunderbirds.
See what he says...
Sean playing drums for The Villains
Comparable to The Fabulous ThunderbirdsGet your copy of The Villains' new album Velocity here: