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Entries by Rick C.Limpert (43)


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 32: Steve Craig

Have a listen to the wit and wisdom of Steve Craig


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 31: The Necker Cup

It's the most exclusive tennis event inthe world and Trevor Short, one of the organizers joins me to talk about The Necker Cup.  Oh, it's held on Sir Richard Branson's private island.

Have a listen... and dream.


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 30: Front Row Andy and Front Row Amy

Check out the mosr popular "The Tech of Sports" of all-time, and for goos reason.

We feature comedian Robby McGhee and he is surprised when "Front Row Amy" joins in on the fun.

Have a watch and listen:


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 29: Musician Don Miggs of miggs

This episode is a bit of a change of pace.

I talk with the lead singer of the popular band miggs, Don Miggs.  We talk music, sports, technology, Lindsay Lohan and more.

Yes I said Lindsay Lohan and she appeared in a video for miggs.

This is a must listen.

Thanks to Don Miggs and check out miggs and when they will be playing near you.


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 28: Troy University Tennis Coach Eric Hayes

Tennis is more than just tournaments like the U.S. Open and Wimbledon.  On the professional level there are 100’s of smaller tournaments played around the globe with players looking to break into the big time.  College tennis was thrust into the spotlight this year with current and former U.S. college players performing very well.

We talk about all that and more with Eric Hayes, coach of the men's and women's tennis teams at Troy University and tournament director of the 25K USTA Tennis Classic of Troy.

Great tennis talk... give it a listen...