Modern Family Quotes From "Hit and Run"

Claire might run for public office and Jay is frustrated at work. Oh, also Mitchell and Cam are fighting.
Here are the quotes:
Phil: Who's Duane Bailey and how do we hate him?
Claire: Puggle breeder?
Cam: This guy broght his kids, Mitchell?
Cam: I'm terrified to see it, that's whey we are here during the day.
Mitchell: It's The Muppet Movie, we were in the wrong theater.
Gloria: Yea, and soda was a nickel.
Gloria: Do you want me to learn you English?
Manny: You're going to school not boarding a flight to Denver.
Gloria: I have all the answers.
Jay: I wanted to hang myself.
Haley: I need to borrow some money, $900.
Phil: Maybe change out of sweaty gym clothes once in while.
Phil: It must be so hard being a single mom.
Phil: I want to be the one to push you off the cliff.
Phil: I'm turned on by powerful women: Michelle Obama, Condollezza Rice, Oprah, and Serena Williams.
Mitchell: We just got rear-ended!
Cam: I sustained a minor mouth injury.
Luke: It's in a block of ice. I heard about rich guys with frozen assets.
Duane: Don't wuit you lack of a day job.
Claire: I'm no bored housewife.
Luke: Where's mom?
Phil: She belongs to the people now.
Jay: He wants more Wow!
Manny: It's the Bieberization of America.
Jay: What do beavers have to do with it.
Mitchell: This one thinks he Dirty Harry.
Cam: He wasn't armed, he had a Hillary bumper sticker.
Claire: What happened to your face?
Luke: Dad hit me.
Phil: No cops, we can't afford a scandal right now. Claire is running for town council.
Manny: I know how the mafia would handle this.
Gloria: I'm going to give you the right answer, because I have all of them.
Gloria: I was talking about my cousin Mary Conchita.
Gloria: What killed her two weeks later was a bus.
Phil: Either he gives us the money or he gets a private performance from England Dan and John Ford Coley.
Phil: I would've treated him to a reunion of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.
Mitchell: I got grass stains.
Gloria: Claire has decided to run for Mayor of the town.
Phil and Luke: Ha ha assets.
Jay: Same exact closet.
Cam: We didn't need fake I.D.s on the farm.
Phil: I used mine to rent some bowling shoes and never returned them. Bet they spent a long time looking for Dr. Richard Hertz. Get it...

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