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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in People (1692)


You Can Now Place Bets Involving Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift and football.

Props range from whether or not Taylor will be featured in a Jackson Mahomes TikTok (+300) to whether Taylor will be featured on the Kelce brothers' "New Heights" podcast (+200). There's even some more grotesque ones, see below:

Taylor Swift Specials

Taylor Swift to be pictured attending a Chiefs game this season whilst sitting next to Brittany Mahomes -120
Either Taylor Swift or Travis Kelce to announce the other cheated during their relationship by the end of 2024 +300
Taylor Swift to release a single she confirms has been written about Travis Kelce by the end of 2024 +1500


Jerry, Jerry, Jerry

Jerry Springer, icon of daytime talk passes.


13 Years to the Major Leagues

What a great sports story.


Book Pick: My Maril: Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan, Hollywood, and Me 

The movie star, the singer, the sex symbol, the so-called “dumb blonde” – all things that Marilyn Monroe is known as, and yet her story goes far beyond that. How did she build her career in Hollywood? Who was she close to – her family, her friends, her lovers – and who was really there for her? Was a successful young woman’s life cut short by suicide, or is there more to the story? Most importantly, who really was Marilyn Monroe? My Maril: Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan, Hollywood, and Me reveals the intimate details of the star’s life and the environment of Hollywood and the United States at the peak of Marilyn Monroe’s career.

View the book trailer here:

Terry Karger, granddaughter of Metro Pictures co-founder Maxwell Karger and the daughter of Fred Karger (Marilyn’s lover and vocal coach), recounts her experience with Hollywood and a young Marilyn Monroe. Coauthored by New York Times best-selling author Jay Margolis, My Maril begins with a young Terry Karger meeting Marilyn, affectionately nicknamed “Maril” by the Karger family, for the first time as her father’s new girlfriend. Marilyn becomes Terry’s babysitter, and she serves as a friend and sister-esque figure in the young girl’s life. Terry’s version of Marilyn is personal – she is kind, affectionate, smart, and mischievous, strikingly different to the way she was portrayed by the media. This book is a comprehensive account of Marilyn’s entire life, as well as a behind-the-scenes glance into other prominent public figures, such as Ronald Reagan, that Terry Karger knew personally.


Survey Says: 70% of Americans Say They Are Sports Fans

Seventy percent of Americans say they're sports fans, according to a national survey of 3,201 American residents released today by the Siena College Research Institute and St. Bonaventure University's Jandoli School of Communication.

72% say they're football fans, even if not sports fan
83% watch football to bond with family and friends
81% "because it's fun"
65% "because it is exciting"
82% say that they learn about teamwork by watching football
79% learn about strategy
72% learn about leadership
27% say football is too violent
America's most like and most hated team: Dallas Cowboys.

Most popular 'active' NFL player: Tom Brady (followed by Patrick Mahomes, Aaron Rodgers)

Most popular former player: Joe Montana (followed by Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, Walter Payton)

"Sports in general and football specifically are central to who we are and what we do as a nation and as individuals," said Aaron Chimbel, St. Bonaventure's Jandoli School of Communication dean. "It connects communities, families and friends in ways that no other sport does, and it is important to understand why and how football is part of our social fabric."

The survey identified four categories of fanship – Avid, Involved, Casual and Non-Fan – based on people's sports fan activities.

"For Avid fans, sports is woven into their lives every day. They constantly watch, listen, check scores, and banter about sports. Involved fans love the games but don't engage daily, while casual fans likely check in on the weekends. The remaining 27% may watch a game infrequently, but sports is not front and center," said Don Levy, Siena College Research Institute Director.