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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in book (307)


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Time Management: Timehack: Master the Art of and Control Time at Your Will 

Managing time well is more than just wringing the maximum efficiency from every minute. It is bringing a sea change, a profound transformation that enables and enriches all parts of our lives.

The temptation was to work from the very simple to the complex and esoteric in creating this book; but the complex and esoteric drives the simple to complex planning, and the esoteric is non-productive without the actual work of developing a plan from the simple to the complex. Therefore, the simple and the complex are mingled together, connecting action with theory. Not all parts of this book will be suitable for everyone – but it will have a little something for everybody.

Through this book, you will be guided by the simple to apply, yet effectively tips & tricks on how to maximise your productivity and change your life for the better.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Triathlon - A Beginner's Guide

Triathlon: the Beginners Guide Will Be Your Trusted Guide

Triathlon can be confusing.  

Let me help you get started.

  • Don’t be intimidated by skinny 20-somethings squeezed into lycra.
  • Don’t rush into dangerous amounts of joint-pounding training; risking your health.
  • Don’t be fooled into buying tons of expensive and unnecessary equipment.

The Beginners Guide will act as your road-map to Triathlon success

It covers every aspect of your triathlon, including:

  • which Triathlon distance is right for you
  • how to swim and get over the fear of swimming in open-water, away from the safety and familiarity of your local pool.
  • becoming a fast (and safe) cyclist, without spending thousands of dollars on a professional-grade bike
  • how to run after you’ve just finished an intense bike ride
  • what to look for in a triathlon training plan, and how to tell if you should tear yours up on the spot
  • what you need to eat and drink; before, during and after your race
  • how to put it all together in the intense “transition area” and
  • how to survive race day nerves and the complex logistics of a triathlon race site.

Get it for fre enow.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: George Washington: First Guardian Of American Liberty

With the Presidential primaries about to get in full swing.

Who was George Washington? You probably know him as the first president of the United States, the commander of the Continental army who led American farmers and innkeepers in a victorious eight-year war against the British. But where did he get his military experience? Why was picked to take command of the army? Why was he the only American president ever to be elected unanimously (twice!), and did he really chop down that cherry tree as a kid?


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: How to Analyze People at First Sight

By Scott Colter.

Learn how to deliver the best first impression possible and have a great influence on others.
Discover what the most common everyday body moves and habits mean and interpret feelings, thoughts and intentions accurately.

Stand Out From The Crowd-Get One Step Ahead In Every Relationship!
You will also get a second book COMPLETELY FREE!

This special gift will teach you the most effective methods to lose fat fast and enjoy a healthful life.

Take Advantage Of This Mind-Blowing Book And Architecture Your Life With Ease!

Get it now for free!


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: CrossFit for Beginners

If you are looking at taking up CrossFit in the new year. This is the perfect book to get you started.

Are you fed up with going to the gym, pushing weights and riding the darn elliptical? You need a breath of fresh air and thought, maybe, CrossFit was the key? You heard it was a great training method, both extremely efficient and fun, but you have no idea where to even begin?
If you’re in this situation, this manual was made for you!