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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Bully (2)


Kindle Pick of the Week: The Big, Bad Bully

New and a must read for kids.

Self-Esteem expert Jack Canfield and noted educational speaker Miriam Laundry reveal that the biggest bully in a child's world is not lurking around the corner but living inside her head.

Words have power. The words others say to us can either lift us as high as the clouds, or drop us down like a crashing plane. But what about the words we tell ourselves? What about that constantly running inner voice? In truth, what we say to ourselves impacts us even more than what others say to us.

"Pigtails are for babies!" she snarled at me. Her words hurt more than the time I broke my arm. I quickly untied my hair. I wore my hair down for the rest of the school year.

That was the first time I met the Big Bad Bully. . . . She called me names like "fatty," "piglet" and "ugly." Things are worse now that I am in the 6th grade. Even when I don't see her, I can always hear the whispers, the giggles, and the growls.

So goes the mesmerizing story of a young girl who grows up with a voice that ridicules and demeans her. In the end, we discover that her tormentor is staring back at her every day in the mirror.

Featuring stunning artwork, this small yet profound book is a tool for engaging children, young adolescents, parents, and caring adults about the impressions they make on themselves with their thoughts and self-talk. Included are powerful workbook exercises and resources for implementing healthy self-esteem habits that can last a lifetime.

Jack Canfield is known worldwide as the co-author of the renowned Chicken Soup for the Soul® series. His latest venture, together with educational speaker Miriam Laundry, is The Big, Bad Bully – an educational children's book that reminds kids it's sometimes their own words and thoughts that have a greater affect on them than a "typical” bully. The authors provide the resources to help kids break these habits, learn to think positive and build self esteem.



The Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Speckerman Recurrence"

Leonard must face his fears after being contacted by his high school tormentor, can the guys help?  On The Big Bang Theory, Thursday, Dec. 8 at 8pm Eastern.

Here are the quotes.

Sheldon: I got you to stop saying Valentine's Day.

Sheldon: The head of one of the largest religious organizations in the world dunking to "Sweet Georgia Brown."

Sheldon: Was he the one that made you eat his arm hair?

Sheldon: Nobel Prize acceptance ceremony streaming live.

Sheldon: Did you have a bad clam?

Leonard: No you did not have sex with my mother!

Penny: High school quarterback against mathletes.

Bernadette: She stole all my clothes and left an elf costume in my locker.

Amy: Gorilla fingers Fowler.

Penny: I was not a bully.

Bernadette: Sounds like you were, maybe a felon.

Wolowitz: You wore underwear?  You fool.

Speckerman:  I hear you're a big time scientist now.

Speckerman: How did you get inside that backpack?

Sheldon: Leonard is just a dime store laser jockey.

Sheldon: Even I know that's a doozy.

Sheldon: Leonard, I platonically love you, but you're a mess.

Sheldon: Leonard wet his bed well into his teens.

Leonard: You called me Nancy for three years.

Penny: I'm sorry I made fun of your stutter in high school.

Sheldon: One for good luck, must be the math they do at Princeton.

Speckerman: Stuffing that parrot down your pants.

Sheldon: Make him wander the streets with the other drunks.

Penny: I feel just like Mother Teresa, except for the virgin part.

Sheldon: This world is going to chew you up and spit you out.

Speckerman: You really know your way around the kitchen, Nancy.

Sheldon: The Dark Knight has your back.

Sheldon: I just need to outrun you.

Penny: C'mon yoga top...

Amy: Looking to day we might be cell mates.

Bernadette: It's ok, I serve soup to poor people.