The Big Bang Theory Quotes From "The Vacation Solution"

Sheldon has to take a vacation, so he goesto work with Amy and will Howard and Bernadette sign a pre-nup?
Here are the quotes:
Sheldon: Physics - Mad Libs
Howard: I haven't seen him laugh that hard since Leonard made a multiplication error.
Suggestion Box: Can Dr. Copper take a vacation?
Sheldon: I'm sneaking into work.
Sheldon: It's how Velma and Shaggy smuggled Scooby into the old lighthouse.
Bernadette: Hoping my relatives think it's Hebrew.
Amy: You, would fetch a unicorn.
Sheldon: Mahalo for nothing, Hawaii.
Sheldon: A seagull stole a hot dog from me on the beach.
Leonard: Leonard's got to get paid.
Amy: It's going to be romantic.
Sheldon: A little hazing for the new fellow?
Sheldon: It's like asking the Incredible Hulk to open a pickle jar.
Sheldon: I bought a tamagotchi in 1998 and it's still alive.
Raj: Follow your heart.
Howard: I some rare comic books. The Vespa is almost paid off.
Raj: Mr. Roper is dead!
Sheldon: Biologists are mean.
Sheldon: This place needs a suggestion box.
Sheldon: When I was in kindergarten, I recited Pi to 1,000 places.
Sheldon: It takes me a while to get things going on an unfamiliar toilet.
Sheldon: I'm no stranger to a little gray matter.
Sheldon: Yea, you're a biologist.
Sheldon: Social convention is stupid.
Howard: We're grown men, we drink at bars.
Sheldon: This is a fairly substantial wound.
Sheldon: I had lost a lot of thumb blood.
Sheldon: Next year I'm going to EPCOT.
Bernadette: He still carries his gun. it's more of a fashion statement.