Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Zarnecki Incursion"

I should've posted this back when the episode first aired earlier this spring. But, better late than never as this is the BBT episode airing tonight.
Can't wait a new season is right around the corner.
Here are the quotes:
Sheldon: They stole everything Leonard!
Sheldon: And all my gold!
Sheldon: Like a carcass in the desert sun. Plus the FBI hung up on me.
Sheldon: Glenn, the only bird I've ever loved.
Leonard: Not the kind with access to drugs.
Sheldon: How are you allowed to carry a gun.
Sheldon: Can you refer me to a rogue ex-cop?
Sheldon: What kind of world do we live in where another man would steal a battle ostrich.
Sheldon: See if Raj is done with Pilates.
Raj: He appears to be a member of the Nigerian Royal Family.
Sheldon: Doodle Jump is a game, Angry Birds is a game.
Raj: Bad news, the Nigerian Prince may be a fraud.
Penny: Leonard was so phobic about stepping on medical waste I had to carry him to the ocean.
Amy: I'm drunk
Penny: Oh boy, my breast friends.
Penny: No, but I can name all the Kardashians.
Bernadette: I don't have a need to fling my waste.
Howard: Our troll just walked in!
Raj: He could lose his HBO and all their delightful original programming.
Priya: It's nice to date a boy trapped in a man's body.
Bernadette: Count your blessings you're not a Tanzanian chimp.
Sheldon: I never said these words before but good work Howard.
Sheldon: The name and address drip with evil.
Sheldon: It's in a cul-du-sac, we can box him in.
Sheldon: Fine, we'll abide by the Geneva convention.
Sheldon: Tonight we take back our dignity.
Raj: i have a hip hop aerobics class at 5. Can we go after?
Raj: C'mon on man Bros sister.
Howard: She's kind of a "Wheel" savant.
Raj: Sitar music for a ring tone is not cool.
Howard: It's her super-power, that and jiggling her arm fat.
Sheldon: Shamu is literally tons of fun.
Raj: Legoland is more interactive.
Sheldon: This say Beyonce bootylischious dance mix.
Raj: She's curvy and she owns it, I like that.
Leonard: Next time we go to kick someone's ass, we take the train.
Sheldon: No weapon strikes more fear than a Klingon Bat leth.
Sheldon: I'm Sheldor of Azaroth.
Raj: Legoland seems like a hollow dream now.
Sheldon: Todd Zarnecki was mean.
Penny: I'm going to show you how we finish a quest in Nebraska.
Penny: Today's the day a girl is finally going to touch you in your special place.
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