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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Classical Music (2)


Donald Driver Hopes This Week's DWTS is an 'Instant Classic'

That would mean this week is Classical Music Week on Dancing With the Stars and it's an important week for the remaining dancers.

Donald Driver and Peta will have their work cut out for them as the other teams are showing improvement.

It's the stretch run, call it the 4th quarter for a football player like DD, so he knows he needs to be mistake-free while raising the bar on their routines.

The man usually does a lot of the leading during Classical Music Week, so Donald needs to be right on the mark.

I think he's getting better and better even though his scores are all over the board.


Dancing With the Stars: From Charlie Brown to Charlie Sheen on Classical Night

This will be the fourth week of dances for our couples and hopefully we will have some questions answered tonight.

Will Karina keep her clothes on?

Will Pia Toscano, the most recently eliminated contestant from American Idol be there cheering on her new boyfriend, Mark Ballas?

Will Kirstie and Maks get penalized for a lift if Kirstie lifts Maks?

All that and some dancing tonight on DWTS.

Classical Week means the orchestra is larger and so are the stakes.

The pros had to work harder this week getting the routine just right with the orchestra and the beautiful classical music.

First up is Chelsie Hightower and Romeo.  Chelsie wants an all out aggressive performance from Romeo, he wants just to make it through the routine without screwing up.  A very dramatic and passionate performance and the crowd liked it.  The judges gave them a 23, including Carrie Ann taking a point away for a lift.

Now on to Louis and Kendra.  Kendra needs to show some improvment this week.  Is the Vienese Waltz just what the doctor ordered?  Louis had Kendra going at a pretty good pace this week.  With Katherine Jenkins singing, Kendra had a hard time with the routine, but didn't seem upset.  Carrie Ann said she lacked elegence and her scores reflected it with an 18 out of 30.

Sugar Ray Leonard and Anna are up next.  Big improvement for Sugar Ray last week.  The fans and judges loved him.  This week, Sugar Ray took a ballet class to prepare for his Vienese Waltz.  He had a great time with Anna, and the judges couldn't stop smiling as well.  Great entertainment and a 21 out of 30.

Next up is Team Dmitra: Dmitry and Petra.  Petra was great last week, this week a new challenge for Petra.  They attempt a Paso this week and Dmitry wants to see aggression.  She was aggressive and they both had a lot of fun.  he judges rewarded the pair with a 23.

Ralph and Karina are up next.  Last week, Ralph slipped a little.  He is aiming to return to the top of the leaderboard.  A nice routine and great teamwork.  Bruno loved it, Carrie Ann believed in it, and Len said it was great to have Ralph back.  Ralph receives a 25.

Here comes Hines Ward and Kym Johnson.  Hines had a great week last week, this week he tries his hand at the Paso.  Hines came out like a rocket.  There was pyro, there were leg kicks, and lighting that looked like lasers.  The dance was just as impressive.  Hines was in the zone and I'm not talking about the red zone.  He received a 25.

Next up is Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas.  Chelsea is worried about dancing to classical music.  They danced to a song from Harry Potter.  Bruno loved it, Len didn't think it was traditional enough.  They get a 26 and jump into the lead.

Chris Jericho and Cheryl Burke are next.  He's beaten The Rock, he's beaten John Cena, this week he takes on the Paso Doble.  It was a tough dance, but he did a good job.  Len wished he would've kept up with the music a little better, he gets a 23.

Last but not least is Kirstie and Maks.  They are trying to recover from the fall of last week.  Kirstie is trying hard to be a good dancer, but her hip injury is keeping her from practicing and hindering her routine.  Big props to Kirstie for getting through the dance.  Very elegant and she recovered well fro her shoe almost coming off.  She earns a 22.

Results show tomorrow night.