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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Door to Door (1)


Modern Family Quotes From "Door to Door"

Claire takes up a new cause, Jay gets involved with manny's school fundraiser and Gloria searches for Stella.

Here are the quotes:

Claire: Girls, let's cool on the gossip.  Her mom...

Phil: Goota keep moving, gotta keep the heart rate up.

Gloria:  What are you afraid of?  Some money is going to fly in?

Jay: A good salesman goes after Moby Dick in a row boat with tarta sauce on him.

Cam: Is that a 5 or a curl?

Luke: How many moms does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Luke: Put on pants!

Claire: I do rock.

Manny: It got me two things: diddly and squat.

Cam: Stella! Stella!

Cam: Just ike in "Streetcar"

Phil:  If he wants to go in a restaurant and pretend we are Australian...

Mitchell:  I am not the messy one.  That is why she broke up with me.

Manny:  Hello ma'am, do you enjoy Christmas?

Lady: Actually I'm Jewish.

Manny: Than you appreciate a good value.

Claire: Me and Norma Rae, and the lady from The Blindside.

Phil: I'm sorry, the African-American kid.

Girl: Blanche.

Cam: Mitchell would die.

Manny: I had a carrot at 3.

Manny: You'll never go broke playing to a rich guy's ego.  Write that down.

Guy: Make it quick, this is an ice cream cake.

Claire: Let's start saving lives one intersection at a time.

Phil: That appears to be an ice cream cake.

Phil: Baby, I can do anything in 2 minutes.

Cam: I don't like to clean up, it's smelly, it's sticky.

Phil: John Phillip Souza!

Luke: 78 views, we are on our way!