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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in free ebook (257)


Kindle Free Pick - Hack Your Health: Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, Gain Energy, Eliminate Disease, Upgrade Your Life

Finally Revealed: Scientifically Proven Principles That Will Free You Of ANY Disease And Create Vibrant Health. Unconditionally Guaranteed to Prevent and Cure Illness Without Drugs or Surgery!
Are You Tired Of Being Sick And Tired ?

If you're sick and tired of being exploited by drug companies while you suffer from a preventable and curable condition (whether it be arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, fibromyalgia, arthritis, colitis, Crohn’s disease, liver disease, eczema, psoriasis, acne, osteoporosis, gout, kidney stones, gallstones, yeast infections, chronic fatigue, or high cholesterol), then this will be the most important book you'll ever read.

What you’ll learn here is absolutely breakthrough information. This program gives you the lifesaving information you need to take charge of your health and reverse disease WITHOUT harmful drugs. This information is strongly supported by thousands of researchers and world-class doctors around the world.

Reversing disease and creating health is automatic — it's quite straightforward using basic biochemical cause and effect — provided of course you give your body what it needs and, and the same time, remove the bad habits that block your recovery.

This revolutionary book contains the latest research on the most effective strategies you can use to heal your body naturally and effectively.


Kindle Book Pick of the Week: The Insane Energy System: Activate Untapped Brain Energy To Work Faster, Remember More, And Accelerate Your Learning 

Use some of your extra energy and get this book for free.

Do you regularly procrastinate? Do you often struggle to get started on important projects? Do you allow tasks to pile up until they make you feel stressed and overwhelmed?

These are all pretty common...

In fact, most people believe that a lack of time is what's holding them back in life.

You've probably thought to yourself...

“If only I had a few more hours in the day, I could spend more time picking up the house or handling chores...

Or maybe you long for some more time in your busy schedule to spend with the people you care about the most, or on one of your favorite hobbies...

I'm here to tell you that the reason you have NO TIME has nothing to do with time management...
With Proper Energy Management, You'll Be Able To Get A Lot More Done Each Day...
If you've ever struggled to find the time, when you know how to manage your energy, you'll have the time AND energy to get things done...

That's means, you'll be able to do things like...

Find the time to get in shape... and not just any shape... the BEST shape of your life...
Wake up energized and ready to meet the day with excitement every single morning
Spend more time each day doing the things that YOU want to do
Improve your productivity in every aspect of your life... work, chores, you name it
Have the energy to spend do things with the people you care about the most
And the list goes on and on...
Here's Just A Quick Preview Of What
You'll Discover Inside...

The simple, little changes you can make in your life that will quickly supercharge your energy levels each day... you'll wake up refreshed, become more productive instantly, and ultimately be a “super” version of your current self

The key to waking up full of energy each and every day so you can tackle the day and get everything done that you want... and then some!

The devastating effect of stress on your energy levels and how to stop it... dead in its tracks!

The power of nutrients in your body, and how to make sure you don't run out of steam... inside, you'll discover the best foods to eat to stimulate energy levels and the supplements that will help you get more energy... naturally!


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Cryptocurrency FOMO: How to get into Bitcoin without really caring what Bitcoin is

If you want to learn a little about cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.

Are you feeling left out of the Bitcoin craze? Do you want to learn about cryptocurrencies, but not have to read a college-level textbook? Look no further!

This book is for the everyday person looking for a clear and simple guide about Bitcoin investing. If you aren’t concerned with every detail of Bitcoin's technological framework, BUT have an appreciation of Cryptocurrency's immense potential for adoption and profitability, than this is the book for you!


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Camping Tips

Many people have no clue what to do when they’re camping. When this is the case, it can turn into a boring, frustrating downgrade from a hotel room, or even your own home. But camping can be fun and interesting in a variety of ways. Learn to make the most of your experience in nature and become a super camper! In this book, we’ll discuss several topics, such as:

Fun activities to engage in when you are camping.

Getting ready for the campout by taking the right supplies.

A list of items and tips to make your camping experience easier.

How to get your children ready for camping and get them excited about it before and during the trip.

Ways to stay clean, avoid negative aspects, and be closer to nature.

Delicious camping recipes.

And much more!


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Unlimited Memory

All for free this week:

Kevin Horsley Broke a World Memory Record in 2013...

And You're About to Learn How to Use His Memory Strategies to Learn Faster, Be More Productive and Achieve More Success

With over 100,000 copies sold, Unlimited Memory is a Wall Street Journal Best Seller and has been the #1 memory book on Amazon for more than two years. It has been translated into seven languages including French, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Ukrainian, and Lithuanian.

Most people never tap into 10% of their potential for memory.

In this book, you're about to learn:

How the World's Top Memory Experts Concentrate and Remember Any Information at Will, and How You Can Too

Do you ever feel like you're too busy, too stressed or just too distracted to concentrate and get work done?

In Unlimited Memory, you'll learn how the world's best memory masters get themselves to concentrate at will, anytime they want. When you can easily focus and concentrate on the task at hand, and store and recall useful information, you can easily double your productivity and eliminate wasted time, stress and mistakes at work.

In this book, you'll find all the tools, strategies and techniques you need to improve your memory.

Here’s just a taste of the memory methods you'll learn in this book:

    The 3 bad habits that keep you from easily remembering important information

    How a simple pattern of thinking can stop you from imprinting and remembering key facts, figures and ideas, and how to break this old pattern so you’ll never again be known as someone with a “bad memory”

    How to master your attention so you can focus and concentrate longer, even during challenging or stressful situations

    How to use your car to remember anything you want (like long lists or information you need to remember for your studies or personal life) without writing anything down

    Simple methods that allow you to nail down tough information or complex concepts quickly and easily

    How to combine your long-term memory (things you already know and will never forget) and short-term memory (information you want to remember right now) to create instant recall for tests, presentations and important projects