Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
Entries in germs (3)
News Flash: Your Kitchen Sponge is Gross

The filthiest thing in our homes is the kitchen sponge or cloth.
Read on if you dare.
The Big Bang Theory Quotes from 'The Engagement Reaction'

Howard's mother lands in the hospital after she finds out Howard and Bernadette may be engaged. Are Penny and Priya getting chummy?
Here are the quotes:
Bernadette: Do you want me to spill hot soup on her?
Sheldon: I'm dead.
Raj: That's my sister and my country you are talking about.
Sheldon: He drank from Leonard's glass. That will be etched on my tombstone.
Howard: I was thinking of weaving it into her eulogy.
Raj: She's got puddles in all the wrong places.
Howard: The eagle has landed.
Howard: You mean Adolf and Eva?
Howard: Stand back, I'm going to break the door down!
Sheldon: I don't jibber-jabber.
Penny: You are about to jibber-jabber about jibber-jabber.
Sheldon: Not all germs, just the ones that will kill me.
Howard: After I found the courage to put her pants back on, I was on a roll.
Howard: My family is the history of heart disease.
Bernadette: I have sex with him and she can't.
Priya: They called themselves the New Delhi Power Rangers.
Howard: One day our son will marry someone and it will kill you.
Sheldon: Friendship requires a certain give and take.
Dr.: She'd like to see the little Catholic girl first.
Raj: So you do a striptease?
Leonard: There was one time I put body glitter on.
Leonard: You really are a mean little man.
Leonard: I'm the King of Foreplay.
Raj: Hellhounds, who let the Satanic dogs out.
Raj: I've got a collosal serpent right here!
Raj: Rotting Zombie, Sheldon's new Facebook Photo.