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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Kindle Book (245)


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: How to Have a Good Day.. 30 Easy Life Habits

By Naomi Hill.

How happy you are in your life largely depends on how well you lead your life, condition your mind and balance your mental and physical states.

To help you take your first steps towards this goal, this book gives you 30 EASY HABITS that you can incorporate in your life TODAY for a healthier and happy life!


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Planely Speaking

Planely Speaking takes you for a ride as a flight attendant with author and popular flight attendant blogger, Bobby Laurie. Follow along as Bobby begins his career in the skies through airline interviews and initial training. Then after earning his wings, multiple times, witness the best and worst of airline passengers, delays and on board problems.

If you're interested in becoming a flight attendant Planely Speaking includes tips and tricks for getting hired and resources to obtain more information about the career.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Illustrated Dictionary of Dream Symbols

What do those dreams mean?

Here is a book you will refer to again and again. Clear, authoritative and as complete as possible, this book will help to open a new world of communication between you and your dreams.


Barbecue Recipes: 70 Of The Best Ever Barbecue Fish Recipes...Revealed!

If you are ready to break out the grill and are thinking about fish....

Enjoy 70 of the best ever barbecue fish recipes. Satisfy your taste for barbecued seafood with these delicious recipes from all over the world. Become a barbecue master by trying out these recipes and own the grill! This book comes with a recipe journal for your own masterpieces from the grill.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: 100 Best Yo Mama Jokes


What more can you say and want.... The 100 Best Yo Mama Jokes!

Get it for free.