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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Kindle Book (245)


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: New Clichés for the 21st Century: Zuckerisms

Look at life from a different perspective, Zukerisms is a book that offers you a uniquely entertaining and sagacious view of life.

Deep down inside all of us, there exists a tacit beckoning toward
‘something’ we must accomplish in our lifetimes if we are to consider
our lives fulfilled.

For me, creative writing has been a conscious, lingering summons
—one that now demands expression, as my careers in medicine and business have had their turns. The underlying themes of my being, matured and refined by my explorations and collisions with life, have finally found their voice in this book. From now on, I plan to dedicate the years I have left (which, considering the present insurance charts, could be a helluva long time!) to fulfilling my last need before my own life’s book closes.

The style of writing I have used in this volume is commonly described as aphoristic. I chose this style to assert what I feel to be truths, in hopes of provoking thought and insight. Since I believe that everything is true and so is the opposite, my intent is to tickle, prod, and encourage you, the reader, to think for yourself.
I hope that you will have as good a time reading the book as I had writing it.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Travel Hacking: Learn The Secrets

Everyone’s been asked, “if you could go anywhere, where would it be?”; You answer, then realize and remind yourself how difficult it would be to accomplish, the time, the costs, and then you go back to your daily grind. What if I told you that you CAN go to that dream destination? It just takes a little bit of knowledge, and that knowledge is something I’m going to share with you here in this book.

You are a free being, and not meant to spend your life in one small physical location. With today’s technology, it is more uncommon to stay “put” then go abroad! The fact is there are so many techniques, methods and hacks to go anywhere you desire, and so few people utilizing them. That’s why I wrote this book. I once felt that same sense of wanting to go; anywhere. Just not feel trapped and stuck in the same routines; having to plan months ahead for trips and not be able to get up and go as a I please and for far less than the average adventurer would imagine! It IS possible, and I have done it. Now, so will you. Are you ready? Learn all about my experiences abroad, and many easy-to-do travel hacks to get you where you wish to be fast, for less, and never pay a fortune for a ticket again! You were meant to see the world, so stop procrastinating, and let’s go!


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Triathlon - A Beginner's Guide

Triathlon: the Beginners Guide Will Be Your Trusted Guide

Triathlon can be confusing.  

Let me help you get started.

  • Don’t be intimidated by skinny 20-somethings squeezed into lycra.
  • Don’t rush into dangerous amounts of joint-pounding training; risking your health.
  • Don’t be fooled into buying tons of expensive and unnecessary equipment.

The Beginners Guide will act as your road-map to Triathlon success

It covers every aspect of your triathlon, including:

  • which Triathlon distance is right for you
  • how to swim and get over the fear of swimming in open-water, away from the safety and familiarity of your local pool.
  • becoming a fast (and safe) cyclist, without spending thousands of dollars on a professional-grade bike
  • how to run after you’ve just finished an intense bike ride
  • what to look for in a triathlon training plan, and how to tell if you should tear yours up on the spot
  • what you need to eat and drink; before, during and after your race
  • how to put it all together in the intense “transition area” and
  • how to survive race day nerves and the complex logistics of a triathlon race site.

Get it for fre enow.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Banned Body Language Secrets

Do you struggle to get your point across to people? Do you ever feel like you are somehow weak and ineffectual in the way you communicate? Perhaps others just don't take you seriously. There is no easy fix for all of your problems. However, whatever those problems are, if social interaction is involved then a firm grip on the tenets of non-verbal communication can make it better. Your Mom wasn't just blowing hot air when she told you to “Stand up straight”, because “you slouch too much.” Mom knows: there is wisdom in those words, for the way we carried ourselves says a great deal about our character, our self-respect, and who we are.

No one knows more about body language than CIA agents, and it just so happens that we've got access to one who is willing to spill all the secrets about how to read non-verbal cues and body language. While he will remain nameless of course, you will get an unfettered look at the mind of someone who not only listens to what people say, but watches intensely what they do to detect for signs of graft, deceit, and danger.

A fascinating read...


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Excel Manual: The All-In-One Guide to Learn & Master Microsoft Excel 

If you're looking for a "special souse" to improve your skills in Excel, but never found it before, then you may be interested in this guide. First, however, I need to know: Does any of these sound familiar?

1. I have a corporate job where I'm crunching numbers in Excel. However, it takes me lots of time to process the data into meaningful reports, so I wish I could know how to automate these processes.
2. I use Excel in both business and life, but I would like to know more useful tools and features for quick analysis of information in order to get ahead in all my endeavors.
3. I'm just getting started, and I want to learn Excel as faster as possible but don't know where to start and what information to focus on.

You may need this free eBook.